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European mobility : a passport for my working life
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

« European mobility : a passport for my working life » project meets the need of our students in the Vocational Training Departments of Hessel High School in Epernay. Our school comes within the scope of an Education Authority label-ling entitling us to be seen as a European High School, that's to say we totally commit our-selves to allowing our students, whatever their profile, to benefit from a mobility abroad dur-ing their scholarship in our school.We have thus committed ourselves, along with our partner in Dublin, the CEI , to set vocational training periods abroad. Indeed, our students face major difficulties to fit into the occupational environment, lacking the necessary skills in foreign language, open-mindedness and mobility ability, lacking voca-tional training adapted to the needs of our local businesses. We intend to enable an underpriviledged audience to gain from a high-quality training as well as to strenghten our Departments appeal by developing close relationships with companies, hence offering the students real carreer prospects and occupational integration. Our team composed of 3 experienced teachers, all mastering English,and supported by our Headmaster, turned to the CEI which fitted our schedule of conditions : To find work place-ments sticking to the reference programme of the 3 Departments concerned : Administrative Management, Selling Techniques and Trade, as well as to provide a language training.By using modern means of communication and also thanks to a preparatory visit, we succeeded in tackling and negotiating all the aspects with our partner.We now get a partnership agreement between the High School and the CEI, perfectly defining every member's role.The Celtic Tiger offers our students its service regarding training, open-mindedness and dynamism in the fields of Sales and Trade. It's essential, in the framework of personalized teaching to get our students ready for this training period abroad, especially regarding trips, business life and cultural differences.A deepening in foreign language, thanks to the platform set by the European Committee is cru-cial.It's also absolutely necessary that all the students , particularly the most underpriviledged among them ( 2/3 of the audience) shall take part in this project. In order to achieve that goal, a regular and frequent communication between the High School and the candidates is im-portant. At the time of the last staff -meeting of the schoolyear, all the members of the educational community will decide on the list of the most deserving students, that's to say the ones having made the greatest efforts, whatever their academic level or abilities are. The budget including European funding, but also regional subsidies and actions mainly led by students will thus grant at least 50% of state grant holders a training placement. Each year , this 30 students-group will leave to work in Dublin companies, in order to validate the skills necessary to get their Vocational A-Levels. Accompanied by teachers, they will be put up by families, along with other European stu-dents. This training period will also be the opportunity to test a common referential programme tool for the 3 Departments , set by a European institutions network, called EREIVET.During the first fortnight , our students will get a language training course in the morning, and their work training session in the afternoon. Assessment meetings will take place, along with our partner so as to make the training evolve in a fulfilling way for the students.This period making them able to fit in occupational fields, it's crucial for the activities to be assessed : thus some tests taken before they leave and after their return will help checking the efficiency of the training period, as well as the actions led in the professional subjects.Graduated in A-Levels, owners of a mobility Europass and of training period accreditations issued by our partner, having developed their mobility capacity and the skills required by the local businesses, the students will be better equipped to confront themselves with the labour market.Many activities, led by the students, together with the High School will highlight this project, promote it, especially among local businesses, future employers of our students. It's important to rate, through precise statistics, the usefulness of this project, in particular by following the cohort of pupils taking part in this period.
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