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European Migrant Adviser Toolkit
Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

EMAT will create a stepping stone towards a pan European response to the severe problems of exploitation, underemployment and unemployment of migrants and their families in the labour market. It will bridge the knowledge & skills gap between specialist providers of information advice and guidance (IAG) for migrants and ‘generic’ IAG providers. EMAT will deliver a toolkit for IAG providers to help them and their advisers to deliver improved IAG and improved outcomes e.g jobs and lifelong learning, for migrants. The toolkit will be a learning platform for managers and advisers in these organisations enabling them to develop the skills and competencies to successfully deliver IAG with migrant clients. It will be accessible on line and in hard copy. It will be in English, Polish, German, Czech and Spanish. EMAT will identify the state of the art and best practices in partner countries and further afield, and bring the best of these together in a report in the partner languages (English, Polish, German, Czech and Spanish), which will be made available on the project website and which will feed into and enrich the toolkit . Migrants and advisers will be involved throughout. They will be closely involved in testing, development and evaluation of the toolkit in Spain, Germany, Czech Republic and UK. Other stakeholders and social partners will feed into the toolkit’s development throughout. The partners are experienced in work with migrants. Some are migrant organisations. Partners have local, national and EU networks, ensuring wide take up of the toolkit beyond the partnership. EMAT benefits from research expertise and networks of Szczecin University. The project has detailed dissemination and exploitation plans. A highlight will be a showcase for the toolkit at Employment Week (Brussels 2013). At the same time we will showcase the toolkit at a reception for MEPs, policy makers and stakeholders, hosted by the Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe.

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  •   233 701,00
  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\LEONARDO DA VINCI\Multilateral projects on Innovation
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

5 Partners Participants