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European Literature Nights
Start date: May 12, 2012,

European Literature Night 2012 – 2014Literature is a unique creative tool reflecting a significant dialogue between single voices and cultures. It offers a platform for cultural exchange and helps to break down communication barriers. Literature can be an advocate for creative partnerships and positive change.European Literature Night 2012 – 2014 project aims to contribute to the intercultural dialogue by offering the platform to European countries to present their contemporary writing in fresh translations. A series of public readings performed by famous personalities/actors will take place during a single evening at attractive venues not normally opened to public in 5 participating countries of the project. The project offers an exceptional shared reading experience enhanced by the combination of an interesting text, unique performance and a remarkable venue. This triple attractivity makes the city more eventful offering a signifiant shift from sectoral to holistic, from tactical to strategic and from spectacle to involvement approach. Integral part of the project is the dissemination of the format among literary managers through dedicated presentations at literary festivals/fairs and to establish European Literature Night as pan-European event similar to Museum Night. Selected national writers of participating countries of the project will act as ambassadors to stimulate this idea as well as texts of EU Prize for Literature nominees in translation shall be encouraged to be presented using the format and activities of the project thus supporting the transnational circulation of both texts in translation and mobility of writers. The handbook for potential organisers shall be elaborated including guidelines and know-how for a succesful implementation of the event.Project ambition /objectives• to encourage in a unique and creative way interest in contemporary EU writing• to draw attention to aspects of multiligualism, literary translation, minor literatures• to strenghten cooperation among the EU/EUNIC members and other cultural organisations – pan-European potential• to establish active involvement of urban environment in organising a high-quality literary activities• to support the idea of pan-European literary event shared in many countries and to reach out for new audiences

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