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European Cultural Tourism Network-ECTN (ECTN)
Start date: Jan 31, 2005, End date: Jan 29, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of ECTN is for regions with an interest in developing cultural tourism to share experience and good practice for regional economic development and job creation. By definition, good practice implies cultural tourism projects and policies that have positive impacts (economically, socially and environmentally) and contribute to sustainable regional development. Achievements: Achievements so far From the start of the project in Jan 05, the ECTN partnership has made many achievements in delivering the planned actions of the project. The network has by working in partnership with the different members raised the profile of the importance of cultural tourism in Europe. This awareness raising in the first instance has been achieved through a number of planned activities. These include 4 thematic workshops which showcased some of the best practice case studies in cultural tourism development in Europe. Projects included sustainable transport development, minority languages, strategic development & cultural tourism, industrial heritage & economic regeneration, environmental impact & most recently how to best use European Funding to develop cultural tourism. In period 4 the workshop in Finland (Sep 06) & the annual conference (Nov 06) looked specifically at how the new European programmes are developing & how cultural tourism development is addressing many of Europes key challenges. During Period 5, the main activity was the collation of the final finacnial expenditure and outputs by the lead partner. The ECTN final report focussed particulary on this section and how different regions with the ECTN partnership and wider are beginning to recognise cultural tourism as a key driver in economic, environmental and social terms. In taking these good news stories forward as a partnership, ECTN has through the 10 steering group meetings held during period 1, 2, 3 and 4 been able to actively collect all the activities ongoing with each partner region and develop further links with existing networks and partnership to share information on trends and key data on cultural tourism. This networking outside of the ECTN partnership has also enabled the growth of interest at the 4 thematic workshops and circulation lists. A number of partners are now working together in exchanging information on key challenges of developing cultural tourism and key drivers . In period 3, in order to gather more detailed information, the ECTN partners took place in a number of staff exchanges which were aimed at securing information on key themes of cultural tourism, such as religious tourism, industrial heritage, film tourism etc. In addition to this, the network has also held 2 annual conferences in Cardiff and Gothenburg aimed at showcasing the findings and enabling further exchange. As a result of the annual conferences and thematic workshops, ECTN has grown its membership and is now actively working with key partners. All the key findings, research and best practice identified during the course of the project is currently being formulated into a final working report which is now being used by all partners and the wider network to help guide further cultural tourism development in the future.During Period 5, partners contiuned to exchange information on potential future projects and actions to take the ECTN partnership forward.
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  • 58%   326 284,68
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC West
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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8 Partners Participants