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The CITUM network sets the issue of transport andenvironment within a local authority context. It has identifiedthe achievements and the problems and barriers thatEuropean cities face with regard to urban mobility planningand it has reviewed methods and processes regarding urbantransport system management as a tool for urbandevelopment.The network identified good practice case studies which wereused as discussion tools for the thematic workshops basedaround the four themes: [A] – Urban Mobility and Planning,[B] – Evaluation of Urban Mobility Practices,[C] – Promotion of Alternative Urban Mobility Solutionsand [D] – Citizen Participation in Urban Mobility Planning andManagement. The 19 case studies produced were enhancedby a thematic Template Survey carried out among the 10partners, which produced in-depth and detailed insights onthe issues not covered or exhausted by the case studies.The results of the survey and the case studies have beendeveloped into (i) a Guide for Urban Mobility Practices,and (ii) a Pan-European Handbook for Urban MobilityPlanning, for which the details and conclusions are outlinedbelow. Achievements: Please refer to the 'Description' field, which also includes the achievements of this project.
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  • 50%   258 343,00
  • 2000 - 2006 URBACT I
  • Project on KEEP Platform

3 Partners Participants