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European comparison of the Typology of Informal Learning at Work and the combined structure of support

During the last years a lot of different methods of informal learning were developed. These methods came into existence in a situation with extreme need of qualification on the one hand. On the other hand concerned people did not got specific support within work or did not had time to spend an organized training.The project Type in Law gathered these new methods of informal learning at work compared and tested them. Within these methods there is no clear cut between working, collecting of knowledge and learning. Reference point of these methods is the individual reason of learning for the learning person. A previous project showed nine alternatives for informal learning, which should be improved by appropriate concepts for assistance. The nine alternatives developed to a typology, which was developed and defined within a national project for “Arbeitsgemeinschaft berufliche Weiterbildungsforschung ABWF, Berlin”.Type in Law checked the portability of this typology on different European regions and added useful extensions. Particulary it was necessary to get to know the different national phenomenon of informal learning at the working place and to enlarge the typology. Moreover this led to more concrete typologies and it helped to match training services to individual causes for learning. The Type in Law project developed a comparable typology, which combines the typical reasons for learning at work with adequate support. Reasons for learning and services were gathered, described, related and evaluated.The handbook describes results and includes contributions of all four countries and companies, which were involved in the project. The handbook describes the situation, that working conditions are containing requirements for learning more and more. At most of working places computer based and net ware technologies are available. The requirements for learning at work are solved depending on the actual situation and sporadically. This leads to the problem of unprofessional learning or unprofessional support for learning. The selected methods of learning are mostly ineffective and unsure. Supported service does not fit in the working situation, the development of the market shows a more decreasing trend.Type in Law tried to solve the problem by typifying the need of qualification and to describe the self choosen activities for learning and to sort them. The need of qualification and the activities for learning were allocated to adequate professional qualification services. An existing tool could be tested in an European dimension and could be changed into a transnational tool. The typology can be used to support the usage of professional qualification services. Basically the Handbook contains these documented results:• european comparison of typolgy of reasons of learning • system of adequate (computer-based) qualification services• examples and statements of experts for usage

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