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European Community Lab
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Europeaan Community Lab is an exchange project between Belgian en Italian young people. The participants all come from vulnerable background. We bring this groups togheter to understand more about their youthwork. The Belgian group consists of 8 girls between the ages of 16-19 years. The Italian group consists of 5 boys and 4 girls of the same age group. Brussels and Bologna are faced with a very high youth unemployment. These young people are often characterised by low level of education, poverty and "grade retention" problems, immigrant origin, comming from disadvantaged neighbourhoods, ... During the week there will be worked a lot with experimental learning methods. The young people find out what talents they possess. They get tools to discover, and to develop them further. With this project, we want to contribute to the emancipation of these young peoople. In the Europeaan Community Lab the participants are co-owners of their project. Through a participation process the young people are closely involved in the design and development of the exchange.Competency acquisition and a search for already acquired talents are centrale goals. During the exchange, they learn to apply these talents during the organisation of afternoon activities for Italian kids. The participants organising al large part of the program itself. They carry responsabililties for evaluation moments, energizers, city visit, introduction, party's,...This project gives the young people opportunities to improve attitudes, skills and knowledge with a view to future career. This offers the young people the possibility to strengthen their position in the society.
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