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European Classmates Benefit from Mobilities for Vocational Education and Training
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are planning to send 36 trainees and 12 members of the educational staff to three different partnerships to participate in six different courses of study. This includes, except the Dutch partnership, new mobility partnerships and additional courses of study. Moreover, we are asking, within each of the requested project years, to be able to send the development staff to these sites repeatedly, for several days each time, to smoothly and effectively plan and coordinate the main activities of the exchange. The initial goal, according to the school's and this program's mission, is to be able to globalize all course offerings at the BSZW. It is of the utmost importance to expand foreign language education in a unified Europe where workers have the freedom to live and work where they choose. The creation of a shared European learning space will be defined by the partnership with the help of reference work processes called „Work Units"/"Mobility Units"/“Activity Units". In the end these will serve as measurable and examinable evidences of learning of our mobility abroad and are a portion of an externally-obtained (degree) qualifcation. In order to suitably represent Germany in Europe interested participants, at least aged 18, will be chosen based on their independence, flexibility, adaptability, and willingness to learn. The experience of the participants, in conjunction with the local training and work, is the main focus of this program. As evidence of learning the participants will reflect on and document this process. The plan is for the trainees to be certified through the partner organizations, which will be recognized as part of their actual qualification. In the „Letter of Intent“ the cooperating partners agree that the hosting organizations will see to the logistical operations and aspects of the trainees' stay. Questions as to the lodgings, communication with the internship businesses, transfer of tutoring services, and emergency procedures fall under the agreed-upon duties. BSZW wants zu sign "learning agreements" with his partnerinstitutions to determine the role of each organisation to rule the planned mobilities. Learning agreements as an element of the ECVET-instruments serve to determine the attained learning outcomes achieved by the students during their mobilities. Stuff members of the BSZW contribute with their partnerinstitutions to the documentation, validation and acknowledement of achieved and proved competences of the students at the end of their mobilities and deliver the europass mobility. The specific reconfiguration of the workprogram will be decided upon during the initial contact visits with the individual partnering institutions. The unified goal of all four partnering institutions aligns with the direction of using the ECVET-instruments and strives to reshape its ideas within the parameters of the European qualifications of career training. Joint developmental work will be achieved, project goals and materials will be evaluated, and learning agreements or continued memorandums for a mutual agreement will be formulated. In addition, certificates and Euro-passports will also be obtained for the individual project participant. It is expected that the participant will benefit from an increased intercultural competence. The trainees should dismantle their preconceived notions of various European cultures and accept and recognize them. The trainees are to become conscious of the fact that learning another language (mainly English) is crucial within the European business community. Another useful point of this program is for the trainees to learn about specific work and operations-related procedures and to differentiate content learning within various businesses (eventually business sizes). The motivation of the returning participants should change the attitude and thinking of the previously unconvinced career training centers, with the hope of sending future trainees to mobile learning sites and hosting trainees from partnering countries. The end result is a more positive view of the exchange program. Through a participation in the exchange the businesses strengthen their position in the workforce. Especially in today's situation of demographic change and the therefore resulting lack of trainees, these exchange packages are a calling card for enterprises involved in career development.
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3 Partners Participants