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European career profiling
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

European career profiling The Martin-Behaim-Schule is located in the Rhein-Main area were they collaborate with companies which are active on the European and the global market. In order to meet the requirements of the labour market the school wants to improve the level of key competences and skills of teachers and students. The project "European career profiling"; aimed on increasing opportunities for mobilities for learners and staff. We sent 6 teachers and 40 students attending the Upper Secondary Vocational School in business studies and administration or the College of Business Management / Tourism to partner organisations in England and Italy. The receiving organisations selected work placement providers according to the students needs. Students had the possibility to gain international work experience for 3 weeks. During the second week the host organisation coordinated monitoring visits and meetings with the relevant person in the partner company for the teachers. The teachers gained experience in guiding and monitoring students on an international basis. Through the mobility activities we improved the competences of learners and staff linked to their professional profiles. The project enhanced employability and improved career prospects of the participants on the European labour market. Further more we expect to have a multiplying effect on the school community which increases an international opening within the school and the support for and promotion of future mobility activities for learners and staff. On a long term we aim on the implementation of a network of international contacts in our school development program to create opportunities for mobilities and develop a sense of European citizenship and identity.

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