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European Broaded Agriculture by Multifunctional Activities
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

EBAMA (European Broadening Agriculture by Multifunctional Activities) is a multinational and multidisciplinary European project creating new curricula, through real-time examination of goodpractices. The new curricula will create the possibility to educate students in agriculture with wider competences to be able to broaden agricultural activities. At the same time it will create more opportunities and perspectives for small-scale and family farms to stay viable in the future .Operating a farm is not easy. There is a lot involved. Often large investments are needed, both at the start-up as at later stages.Starting in the agriculture sector can be done in two ways:• trough the acquisition of an existing farm (take-over) or• trough the creation of a new farm.Due to the size and specialization of the business structure and the regulatory environment, new farms are difficult or even impossible to start up. Generally, new farms are only an option for the horticultural sector. In agriculture, there are mainly corporate acquisitions.For a large number of farmers, it is necessary to start a second activity next to agricultural production. This is mainly due to changes in agriculture. Due to larger scaling and monoculture prices of agricultural products are under pressure. In particular, smaller farms cannot maintain a family income out of farm production. Therefore many farmers have to look for an ancillary income. This is called "broadening agriculture" or "multifunctional agriculture”.Today Europe provides little to no direct aid and the subsidies for many products disappear. Future price setting will therefore be subjected to fluctuations on the world market. A mixed production spreads risks, but unlike mixed farming in previous generations the activities are not restricted to agricultural production anymore.Multifunctional agriculture includes a wide range of activities with a diverse group of farmers and gardeners: from processing and selling primary products to actively managing the natural landscape to producing energy. Foot a farmer diversification is a way to expand his income or to expand into non-production-related activities (activities broadening). The farmer can play a socially oriented role or focus on landscape and the environment. There are distinguished four categories of agricultural multifunctional activities:• Social activities• Ecological activities• Economic activities• Mixed activitiesThis project aims to make a shift in agricultural education from a only focus on classic production to a wider broaden focus on other possible functionss of agricultural entrepreneurship.Current curricula in agricultural education do not match the needs of this target group. The curricula do not convince young agronomic learners to follow this broadening trend as a possible alternative and they facilitate insufficiently possibilities to broaden of agricultural activities. Therefore this partnership wants to develop a curriculum-unit (with ECVET) "Broadening agriculture" and a pedagogical guide for "Multifunctional agricultural entrepreneurship education".During research-meetings competences will be examined in real-time study cases using a competence frame. Through an overlay of the competence frame each competence will be concretised from out the specific context. The competences will be derived also out of an analysis of each multifunctional activity by describing the needed knowledge, skills and attitudesThe impact is that students in agriculture will have more opportunities, possibilities to start up or continue a viable family or small-scale farm.So educating and forming competencies that make multifunctional agriculture possible and sustainable is not only an economical future-oriented strategy, it also increases the potential for sustainable forms of farming and above all provides a realistic, achievable and manageable goal for new or novel farmers. It is a way to motivate the young to become farmers, who are working in a challenging, fascinating, innovative and sustainable environment.

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