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Europe, SintLucas is looking over your shoulder!
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school would like to improve the quality of teaching, studying and learning in school to develop our organization. We want to achieve a higher level of skills for staff. Through the gained knowlegde and skills school’s policy will be adjusted. Various actions will be taken to show team members, parents, networks, local media and the national agency what have been learned.To achieve the above, we will focus for the first time in history on jobshadowing. It is a custom-made program and it effectiveness will be very high. The places where we do the job shadowing are linked to partner schools from an existing KA2 project. The threshold to arrange an internship was very low.The courses are needed to ensure that we are not losing more in some areas and we want to make the lessons more inspiring. We want to educate the students how to cope with 21st century skills. We want to reach the top five in the Netherlands and stay there. The program is for students partly tailored as they fill out an intake form which the course is adapted. Staff intrinsically explained why they want to participate in this course.There are 13 different individuals that are in call 2016 for job shadowing or attending a course. They are quite diverse in nature: directors, care coordinators, teaching assistant and both experienced and novice teachers. Room for improvement is for everyone the motivation to participate in the courses.The impact of the job shadowing affects management level and the guidance team within our school. The impact of the courses affect both classroom and school level. Coordination within the departments VMBO MBO improves, the lesson content is adapted, innovative digital learning tools will be deployed and the (internationalization) plan will be partially modified. In addition, the network of internationalization is extended.Dissemination will be done by means of presentations by the participants, putting the most important information on SharePoint, discuss the impact within the departments. There is already an educational team, but it is extended to one of the participants. Via Etwinning and acquired contacts we like to build on further KA2 partnerships. Outwardly, parents, local media, the current international network and the National Agency (IO) are informed of the activities in Europe by SintLucas Eindhoven VMBO.
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3 Partners Participants