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Europe in a nutshell: Die Senefelder Schule Treuchtlingen (europäische Projektmanagementkompetenzen zur Internationalisierung)
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project background : Even in our rural area the number of asylum seekers and refugees is steadily growing. There are already several accomodations for these people whose children usually attend the Senefelder School. In addition to that there is an increasing number of migrants from eastern European countries settling down in our community. Therefore we as teachers have to meet new challenges. That is why the teachers‘ intercultural and project management skills have to be significantly improved, so that tolerance becomes natural. These skills should be learned in intercultural training courses and project management training courses . It's important for us that our teachers attend the courses together with teachers from other countries , so that the cross-cultural learning can not only take place during the training course period, but also during the whole seminar time . At the same time our teachers have the opportunity to get to know potential project partners and plan with them school exchanges , e- twinning or job shadowing. Methodology for project implementation: With the training courses intercultural competence shall be implemented in lessons and with the project management skills of teachers European projects shall be institutionalized. Description of the expected results, effects and potential long-term benefits: The seminar experience will boost the motivation for intercultural learning and intercultural cooperation and the work at the school with European projects will be more effective. The training will enable teachers to inspire our teaching staff even more for European projects, and to use the project work as a means to expand the students‘ intercultural, language and social skills. We hope to be able to find partners for a long term exchange project. By expanding their skills our students will be better prepared in the future for the demands of the European and international labour market. Project goals: Improvement of intercultural skills and project management skills of teachers . The two participating teachers are prepared and motivated to attend training courses abroad, have sufficient language skills. We are willing to spread the European idea to colleagues and students and to integrate the European idea in teaching. Our subjects German, English and Geogrphy offer plenty of opportunities to integrate European questions in a natural way. Description of measures: Participation in intercultural project management training courses Methodology for project implementation: With the training courses intercultural competence shall be implemented in lessons and with the project management skills of teachers European projects shall be institutionalized. Description of the expected results, effects and potential long-term benefits: The teachers are highly motivated to take over an active part in the impementation of tolerance and intercultural understanding to make our school and the world a better place. The seminar experience will boost the motivation for intercultural learning and intercultural cooperation and the work at the school with European projects will be more effective.. By expanding these skills our students will be better prepared in the future for the demands of the European and international labour market.

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