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Europe Connecting Generations
Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Dec 16, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

European Connecting Generation is a Youth Mobility project, including one activity, European Voluntary Service in programme countries, which foreseen five individual flows of volunteers, involving six countries: Italy (where the main activities will take place), Estonia, Poland, Germany, Spain and Portugal. The project aimed at providing volunteers with personal and professional development, through the project's learning outcomes; strengthened the cooperation among involved partners and improved their knowledge of Erasmus+ programme; promoted EU awareness and active citizenship and spread positive values towards different generations; obtained a positive impact on the psychological state of elderly people involved. The volunteers have been recruited after after the approval of the application, when the Receiving Organisations and Uniser, in cooperation with Sending Organisations evaluated and selected the candidatures received. The Coordinating Organisation, Uniser Soc. Coop. Onlus, based in Forlì, Italy, was also Receiving organisation of this project and received one volunteer from Estonian Sending Organisation EstYes, for 7 months. This volunteer was integrate in Uniser's professional team, becoming a bridge between European and local dimension and contributing to the improvement of Uniser's services. The volunteer was mainly involved in the management of communication about Uniser's activities and initiatives; participation to promotional activities of European Awareness, active citizenship and positive values at local and regional level, etc; organisation of intercultural meetings, cultural visits and socialising events involving local and European youth; supported Uniser in the hosting and sending activities, intervening in welcoming of individuals or groups in Italy or in the preparation of Italians to send abroad for learning mobility projects. The other Receiving Organisations were three rest homes for elderly people and are all based in the province of Forlì-Cesena, Italy: -Casa di Riposo Pietro Zangheri, based in Forlì, received two volunteers, both for 12 months: one from the Polish Sending Organisation Semper Avanti and another from the Spanish Sending Organisation Agora Cultural. -Casa di Accoglienza Arturo Fracassi, based in Sant'Angelo di Gatteo, received one volunteer from the German Sending Organisation Ijgd who, after one month, decide to quit the project for personal reasons. After another recruitment by the SO (in cooperation with Uniser) she has been replaced with another volunteer from January 2015. -Fondazione Don Baronio, based in Cesena, received one volunteer from the Portuguese Sending Organisation Associaçao Mais Cidadania, for 12 months. Although these three organisation have different characteristics, the volunteers role, the activities proposed and the learning opportunities offered were approximately the same: the volunteers brought benefit to elderly people, involving them in mutual intercultural and intergenerational exchanges, stimulating their senses and motivation to escape from isolation and exclusion. These five volunteers mainly participated to implementation of the rest homes animation programme addressed to elderly people, supported the elderly during their displacements inside and outside the rest homes and supported the professionals and the guests during the distribution of the meals. All volunteers become promoters of EVS and Erasmus+ programme, of EU, its initiatives, opportunities and positive values, in order to ensure a significant impact of the project on communities involved, raising positive awareness and boosting new participation in the programme.
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