European Projects
Europe 2020: work in progress
Europe 2020: work in progress
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2017
Istituto Comprensivo via Ferraironi is a school newly established, born from the union of different school communities, having different training, experience, methodology and planning. Staff of the Istituto comprises around 140 teachers, 20 of which are support teachers, 15 assistants, 1 librarian and 6 office employees. Head teacher and staff are working to join together the schools in terms of curriculum and active cooperation among all the teachers.
European project plan aims to
- Reinforce international dimension of school activities with the enlargement of European projects to more classes, undertaking European cooperation as cornerstone of the Educational Plan and contribute to a common identity building among the schools
- Strengthen school activities in European eTwinning net and reinforce with teachers exchanges Rome- Paris twinning project
- Build basic skills among the whole staff and develop innovative methodologies in language teaching, based on intercultural and inclusive approach
Organize a leadership and a management group that folloes and helps School European plans
Develop and disseminate ICT innovation in school curriculum
Build a teachers group with high potential and motivation , open to research and innovation with good skills spread in the whole community
Twenty six people will participate to the planned activities during two years project length
Head teacher and middle management staff people
Project coordinators
Young teachers
Foreign language teachers who work in primary and secondary classes
Teachers who need to improve basic skills in English
Administrative staff
Teachers who need training in ICT
• Language training ( English and French) two weeks to improve basic skills or improvement higher levels
- Methodology Language training for foreign language teachers , united with improvement of language skills and learning of innovative specific methodologies: CLIL, ICT
- Courses on didactic enrichment of ICT with the aim to learn how to introduce methodology and tools in the school contexts, with the aim of establishing a permanent innovation future
- Jobshadowing experiences in partner schools to share and observe common didactic activities and to streghten European vision
Project will be carried on a cooperative base, with active involvement of learners and teachers; a particular enlightening will be applied to job shadowing activities, based on active involvement and peer learning.
Impact and outcomes
-Building of a positive mood of enthusiasm and participation, due to improvement of professional skills
- Participation to management and implementation of European project, , Erasmus+ , eTwinning
-Improvement of linguistic skills in English and introduction of innovative didactic approaches
- Participartion to courses follow up and training groups
- Cooperation in spreading and improvement ICT in didactic
Staff/ headteacher
- Support to school management in developing European strategic plan
- Support to project management, in fostering European exchanges and collaboration
The whole school community will be able to enlarge its horizons, enrich curriculum with European vision, define its multicultural project, improve and enrich ICT , keep a positive interaction among all the members of school community
To assure sustainability to this project , we wil organize periodic session of follo up and group revisions of acquired skills This will help to build a long term in service training process, that follows teachers’ professional growth , with a permanent exchange and sharing of competences between “ experts” and “ newbies”