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Európai együttműködéssel a szakképzés fejlesztéséért
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The title of the project: European cooperation for the development of vocational training.Background of the project: The Békéscsaba Center of Vocational Training is committed to the quality and internationally competitive education and training, and to the active and constructive cooperation with employers and entrepreneurs. For the successful implementation of these activities, the continuous training and experience of their experts and leaders is necessary because they are the responsible people for managing and organizing of the vocational education and training, and the knowledge and transfer of the good practices from the international levels of the vocational education and training.Aims of the project:- Implementation of study visit of experts and leaders who are the responsible people for the managing and organizing of the vocational education and training in the Békéscsaba Center of Vocational Training and its eight department schools, thus contributing to the following institutional goals:- continuous improvement of the quality of vocational education and training, - participating of the innovation processes in vocational education and training also at European level, - strengthening the European cooperation and experience in vocational education and training.In this project we realize two study visits:1. Host organisation: Edupoli, Finland - Edupoli provides a wide variety of educational opportunities for adults. The studies are interactive with the working life and labour market. Edupoli organizes training courses that lead to competence-based qualifications as well as further and supplementary trainings that improve and enhance professional skills.The main subject of the visit: Organising of the Finnish VET system with the focus on adult education and training.Date: 22-29/10/20162. Host organisation: Vitalis, Germany - Vitalis was founded in 1997 to receive European participants for vocational training and exchange of experiences in the framework of LLP/Erasmus+ within the region of Leipzig. – One of their aims is the promotion and fortification of the contribution of vocational education to the innovation process.The main subject of the visit: Organising of the German VET system with the focus on dual vocational training system.Date: 18-25/03/2017Number and experience of the participants:1. Mobility to Finland: Experts and leaders who are the responsible people for the managing and organizing of the vocational education and training in the Békéscsaba Center of Vocational Training and its eight department schools with experience in adult education and training, 5 participants.2. Mobility to Germany: Experts and leaders who are the responsible people for the managing and organizing of the vocational education and training in the Békéscsaba Center of Vocational Training and its eight department schools with experience in on the job learning, 8 participants.All experts have at least 3 years experience in management of vocational education and training, and they have intermediate English (and / or German) language skills.The main steps on the project:I. completing the application for the tenderII. realization of the mobilities: 1. Making contact with the host institution (via phone calls, emails, reaching an agreement about the programs and schedules)2. Applications for the mobilities, collecting the letters of motivation, selecting the participating3. Preparation of the participants (language, professionally)4. Conducting the mobilities5. Evaluating the experiences6. Disseminating the experiencesIII. Final project evaluationIV. Making final reportThe expected results of the project:- Development of the participants experts and leaders’ personal skills and competences, improve of the professional motivation- The professional materials made by the participants will support the effective organisation of the VET - Transfer of the gained knowledge and professional materials integration to the official school documents- Support of the effective and innovative VET- Support of the sending organisation in its internationalization efforts, strengthening the cooperation between the players in the management of VETShort-term effect:- the school/institution’s further education needs are frutioned- the further training needs of the school are realized- the professional materials are integrated to the official school documentsLong-term effect:- the quality and prestige of the VET is improving- the dual training system and the adult education is strengthening- the cooperation between the different levels and parts of the European VET and adult education is growing
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