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Europäisches Bildungstransfer
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims at transferring important contents and units of the two-year vocational training to become a Management Assistant – Foreign Languages and Correspondence to other European countries abroad. It is a school-based vocational training in business administration with a focus on the acquirement of foreign language and intercultural competence and skills. Owing to globalisation and the resulting need for mobility of international companies there is an ideal opportunity to enter the European job market after finishing this training, which has a particular focus on mobility while learning. In the course of the project, the students are enabled to expand and improve their foreign language skills, their learning skills, their civic competence and their cultural skills. The group comprises GCSE students and A-level students who want to take part in the above-mentioned training. They already have prior foreign language skills which enable them to successfully complete two training modules abroad (in England and in Spain) in the second and third semester, after an intensive preparatory phase in languages, culture, organisation and didactics in Germany. In Spain after finishing their course, the participants will take part in a six-week placement in a firm to get acquainted with the specific business customs of that country. We expect the group to have 15 participants, all of whom will go abroad to both countries. Even before, the participants show a lively interest in experiences abroad, which will stimulate and support life-long learning. Thus, the project meets several Erasmus+ aims: - support of the participants in the acquisition and application of knowledge, skills and qualifications to support personal development; - support and facilitation of the mobility of people in vocational education; - improvement of the quality and extension of the scope of Europe-wide mobility: - support of the co-operation of the educational institutions involved; - improving the transparency and acknowledgement of qualifications and skills; - support for learning modern foreign languages.
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