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Europäische Schulen der Vielfalt - Tragfähige Lösungen für Gemeinsames Lernen
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For more than three and a half years our school is dealing with pupils who need an intensive and special care attending our every day school life. Moreover, we have been offering a preparatory class for students who need special care learning the German language properly since one and a half years now. Due to the intense growth of refugees and children looking for valuable education at our school, we are going to organize a second preparatory class for these children soon. Therefore we need further development for the objectives and requirements of our lessons, individual advancement and education of all pupils in general and in the long term. Of course, the professional counseling of our parents is and will be affected and promoted as well.So far, our school has already offered workshops according to this field of education for all of our colleagues who have to fulfill special tasks acting in these special contexts. Up to now, the strong needs of further professional training in these contexts could only be fulfilled and offered partially. Therefore there are strong needs for further promotion according to this field of education. In the context of internships at partner schools in foreign countries which deal with preparatory or inclusive classes as well, we have the expectation of sharing and interchanging different experiences and knowledge with all the colleagues who are working with the topic of inclusion and the education of children with or without special needs. Sharing our experiences, we will talk about observations in class, the material and methods used as well as the instruments of individual advancement like writing and creating special plans to promote children with special needs. Special attention has to be paid to the cooperation of multi-professional teams (e.g.: who is going to work with who in what field?). Similar results are expected while interchanging our experiences with refugees that do not speak German at all or who tend to be illiterates from near-illiterate social classes.Our impressions during the exchanges at the partner schools will be documented in detail and developed professionally, so that they can be used and integrated as material in the work of different symposia of inclusion and cooperative learning at our school. At the end of the project we want to have a good and appropriate concept of the topic and our ABC of “Inclusion and Cooperative Learning” should be completed by then.Colleagues of our school will take part in the programme who are going to visit our partner school twice during the next two school terms. There, they will visit and support the different classes with the help of professional observational sheets and studies. The pairs will be elected from differing branches of our school (teachers, staff for children with special needs, social workers, headmasters and our staff of inclusion and cooperative learning).For the first exchange (term 2016/17) we will create an observation sheet with differing observational tasks for the classes as well as the promotion of small groups. Furthermore, there will be a list for the visual inspection of the relevant material, methods and concepts which will guarantee an organized and structured work. After the first exchange of our staff there will be a presentation of all our results at our school in Herzogenrath and first suitable activities will be adopted and tested for the so called ABC of our school. Additionally, the experiences and results will be evaluated and communicated with our partner schools. Furthermore, new observational sheets and testing sheets will be implemented and arranged with our partner schools. The results of the second meetings will be documented and included in the different symposia as well. The final concept, the ABC” Inclusion and Cooperative Learning” as well as the documentations of our observations will be handed over to our partner schools so that it may be able to be used as material for their own work and reflection of their own practical experience in their country. Moreover, we will offer our material to local and regional working teams and workshops of cooperative learning that are acquainted with our school profile. All in all, taking part in this programme we expect a long term enrichment of our professional qualifications dealing with cooperative learning at our school. Of course, this enrichment will be reflected in our concept, in our ABC and, finally, in an improved and modified everyday school life of Europaschule Herzogenrath.
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