European Projects
Europäische Pflegekulturen
Europäische Pflegekulturen
Start date: Jun 1, 2016,
End date: May 31, 2018
The AGS, Akademie für Gesundheits- und Sozialberufe GmbH (Academy for health and social professions), a subsidiary of the Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein (WAK SH), is addressing the European dialog in terms of human resource development in the geriatric care for quite some time. The past mobility activities aimed to obtain a comprehensive overview on educational contents and methods in our direct neighbour countries. The current ones are dedicated to widen the European network, consisting of educational institutions for health care, especially in Eastern Europe. In the context of European Union’s expansion, men and women from these countries are offering their workforce primarily for the care in German private households. The employment of “migrant care workers” in care retirement homes is being discussed controversially, though. Although their help is urgently needed, their professional and linguistic skills and competences don’t match the demanded standards in German retirement care homes in general. Thus, adjustment-educations, embedded into a broad process of integration, are absolutely necessary. As a consequence, the educational trainers and teachers in the different care institutions are facing a major challenge, since they are already worrying about the fluctuating performances and psychosocial motivational problems of the students paired with personal and time-wise resources. The integration of international students will be another significant task, which they are not yet properly prepared to. The teacher’s intercultural competences, e.g. the reasonable communication and cooperation between people with different cultural backgrounds, are determining for the success in qualifying and integrating international care attendants. The project “Europäische Pflegekulturen / European care cultures” is addressing these problems for e.g. directors of care homes, HR managers in stationary and ambulant care homes, teachers and trainers, QM-representatives, etc. In total, 32 “teachers” will have the opportunity to take part in a one-week stay in either Poland, Latvia or Bulgaria. In consultation with four European partner institutions in Danzig & Zlotow (Poland), Stara Zagora (Bulgaria) and Daugavpils (Latvia), the AGS is organizing the project implementation. Every group is consisting of 8 participants and is supported by one AGS-employee. During the stay, the participants are visiting care retirements homes or hospitals, are discussing with teachers and students and are following the learning process with the help of classes and job shadowing. By doing this, the participants achieve first impressions of the educations in these countries. By being in direct contact with students and employees, they also earn knowledge about the personal and financial situations of these persons. So, they also learn about their inducements and motivations to work in Germany connected with the individual needs and expectations. Thus, the ability to act intercultural is being supported and afterwards the participants are more open and unprejudiced towards employees from eastern European countries. These valuable experiences can be used in their daily work. Based on the findings and discoveries, the AGS is pursuing to develop qualifications for mentors and coaches in the field of integration management and to offer these on the regional market.