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Europäische Maßstäbe setzen und Job shadowing
Start date: Sep 15, 2014, End date: Sep 14, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

European Benchmarking and Job Shadowing This project was createt in order to meet the requirements of the comprehensive school (Gemeinschaftsschule) by creating new structures and process optimisation in the the school board. We want to improve the organisation and structure of teaching and learning situations in the comprehensive school. By benchmarking in the European comparison we want to improve the quality of teaching, studying and learning processes in our school. Teaching based on competence grids (Kompetenzraster) and new forms of assessment of performance are due tob e developed. In order to achieve these aims four colleagues are going to attend two courses run by Euneos. The first course focuses on the developing chapters for school policy plan on innovation. We want to work out what our innovative aims are, decide on short and long term aims and develope the organisation of innovative activities at school level (creating standing structures to enable design, execution and monitoring of innovative development in your school). Competences needed therefore are developing a vision on innovative cooperation together with the relevant groups in the school, linking it the curriculum with the aims of the visions for all students, teachers and for the school as a whole. Gear these goals to short and long term policy measures, implement the process of streamlining the innovative elements in the curriculum and disseminate the activities and products/methods . The second course focuses on the quality of of teaching, studying and learning situations in our school. Compentences needed to achieve this aim are organisation of the studying and learning process at comprehensive schools, new ways of teaching at comprehensive schools. Using new media in the classroom. Organisation and advancing in-service training of staff at our school. Job Shadowing We are going to send 2 teachers (one school board member ond teacher from years 5-6) to our Swedish partner school. The main focus will be on : Teaching based on compentce grids (Kompetenzraster) and new forms of assessment of performance. Working and teaching with Infomentor and competence grids. This part of the project is going to be planned and organized by a project team at our school and a project team at the Swedish school. We are going to found an eTwinning project and use the twinspace for preparation and evaluation of the project. Following the courses we are going to show parents the innovative process in our school at open days and other meetings. Schools that are turning into a comprehensive school as well are visiting our school, we will explain to these schools the planning and the realization oft he project. The results will be presented as well. Our school is part oft he national and regional networks off all day schools, here we will share the idea and the results of the project.
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