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Europäische Lebens- und Arbeitswelten 2014
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

- Involved in the project EULA 2014 are partners from Austria and Estonia, the Kreisjugendring Plon, the Regional Vocational Training Centre of the district of Plön and the Evangelical - Lutheran church in northern Germany , Jugendaufbauwerk Koppelsberg , Germany , as a coordinator . Objectives of the project are: 1 Establishment of regional , national and European networks of companies, institutions , associations, organizations and institutions to improve the mobility and training of young people as well as to optimize their labor market opportunities in the trans- European context. 2 Sensitization of actors in the economy , training and public sectors of the importance of mobility and their integration into the internationalization of the vocational training .3 . Dissemination of European instruments of transparency and quality of mobility such as ECVET , EQF , Euro Pass, quality charter of Mobilität.4 . Structure and providing administrative and logistical expertise for businesses, especially SMEs , craft businesses and individuals in the teaching and / or training to facilitate the mobility of all players and fördern.5 . Complementary contributions to increasing funding for mobility .6 . To make the importance of mobility and the much-needed participation of young people in European life and working environment transparent.The Project will be Performed from the participating European partners during the contract period . There are considered two target groups for practise abroad : first trainees of the BBZ Plon, located in a school or dual training and with no learning disability or disadvantage ( specialist for nursing assistant , social educational assistants , carpenters and masons ), and disadvantaged trainees with learning disabilities , from the Kreisjugendring Plön ( housekeeping helper / assistant chef ) , which, however, also received the academic part of the training in the BBZ Plön . The first audience is the most complete internships in Austria and Estonia , while the learning-disabled young people are qualified in Vienna. Both groups are accompanied by teachers and other educators of the three participating institutions during the stay abroad , the first group of at least the first Week , the learning disabled students throughout. Based on the positive experience with the partner institutions , these child care has proven to be the most meaningful . All partners have already successfully designed exchanges with target groups together , so that has formed a trusting environment. The network has decided to take this joint request in order to achieve synergy in the organization , evaluation, public relations, and in the transfer and sustainability. Associated partners are the Employment Agency Kiel and the Jobcenter Plön , they offer support in terms of preventive labor market policy and to support the integration of young people into the labor market. The aim of the study period in which the educational staff ( teachers, trainers , career counselors and case managers ) is the transfer of innovative skills and methods of transnational work-related experience , building a network of partners and the development of modules eg in Cultural mainstreaming for disadvantaged and learning disabled young people and other projects , such as in e -learning , trainees exchange and comparison of the European Qualifications Framework. The transnational exchange of experiences in the area of support for the disadvantaged young people with learning disabilities creates the conditions for the use of new funding methods. The need arose from the need of the consortium to participate in the European innovation process in relation to cross- border mobility and to initiate an exchange of experience , the possibility of reflection of one's actions opened in another country and in a different institutional context and to find new ways against youth unemployment and training interruptions , particularly for disadvantaged and learning disabled young people. To participate in the transformation - participate and modernization process of European systems of education and training , it is imperative to learn this original. Due to the institutional and personal exchange, it is only possible to compare the systems together personally and to develop opportunities for optimization.

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3 Partners Participants