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Europäische Berufsbildungsabschnitte für Kaufmännische Auszubildende 5
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project titled "Europäische Berufsbildungsabschnitte für kaufmännische Auszubildende 5" (in the proposal referred to as EUBEKA 5) aims at putting students of full-time A-level courses with the main subjects accountancy, economics and foreign language correspondence , management assistants and as well as part-time students with the additional certificate "European Assistant in management CCI" in the mood for an occupation abroad, in internationally operating companies or universities. The full-time courses mentioned above each offer a three-year training, which is -in addition to the syllabus focused on theory- supplemented by in part very time-intensive placements. The placements abroad planned in this project are designed to help the students gather additional intercultural and linguistic competences. Since the qualification of "Commercial Assistant" is only recognised on a national level, the students hope to gain a more advantageous position in competing for jobs, having shown their flexibility and open-mindedness by participating in the exchange. Students who are enrolled in the A-Level / Foreign Language Correspondent - course have the additional chance to apply for the excellence label CertiLingua. The excellence label is awarded to pupils in addition to their university entrance diplomas on the condition that they have written and oral command of at least two foreign languages on level B2 of the Common European Framework for Languages,that they have successfully used at least one of these languages as their learning and working language in one or more CLIL courses, and that they have given evidence of their knowledge about Europe and their intercultural ability to act by their participation in a European / international cooperation project. In case of our project this means that each applicants does a 4-week placement in another country. Over the years we have found our commercial apprentices in dual training to be more open for international employers after they had the chance to gather some first experience in working abroad during their training. Thus a placement in a foreign country will enhance their eligibility to potential employers; they will also feel more ready to take on the challenge of working abroad after having had the chance to develop their personality in a project like EUBEKA 5. The above mentioned is especially true for apprentices, who take the additional course as "Commercial Assistent in Europe CCI", since the exam requirements ask for a minimum three-week work experience abroad, The project EUBEKA 5 will be organised by Kuniberg Berufskolleg Recklinghausen as the sending organisation; we have the follwing associated partners: IDEUM Arvidsjaur (Arvidsjaur/Sweden), SATAEDU (Kokemäki/Finland), CIFP A Xunqueira (Pontevedra/Spain), WEXEdU (Budapest/Hungary), Swan Training Institute Ltd (Dublin/Ireland). All these instituations are longstanding partners of KBK, most of them have worked with us for almost ten years and in the course of several projects completed, we have managed to optimize our proceedings according to the needs of the participants. The project will be arranged in several flows, taking place in spring 2016, summer 2016 and spring 2017 (full-time students). The part-time stundents that participate in the project will travel at indvidual times in fall and winter 2016.
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