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Europa und seine Grenzen 2
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project "Europa und seine Grenzen 2" ('Europe and its Limits 2") is launched because of the topicality and urgence of the topic "flight/refuge". Besides an inventory of the history and medial discourse of refugees in Europe in the past years ("From Slums in Calais to New Year's Eve in Cologne"), which will enumerate examples of transit places, every-day barriers and politically explosive topics, common options for acting will be identified and experiences of good practices will be shared.The austria-based association Memfarado is organising the 12-day youth exchange with its partner organisation Pekarna Magdalenske mreže (Maribor, SLO) with 8 participants from each place. The participants are young people which have experiences with topics concerning flight related migration.The activities in summer 2016 are ranging from the generation and exchange of knowledge in the form of workshops and inputs, via independent work in work groups till the establishment of a creative-physical product (planned: mobile kitchen), which itself can become a concrete project for supporting refugees and a node of a cross-boder network in the future.The participants shall learn to conceptualise, conducat and evaluate projects independently and deal with the topic of knowledge multiplication, using various methods. It is assumed that beyond this participants will identify self-organised, informal learning and working as possibility to put into practice their own projects, network with other european actors and react transnationally to cross-border problems.The benefit beyond the actual project period will be - besides the mobile kitchen - an established network, which engages and exchanges in the topical field of flight-related migration.

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