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Europa jest dla nas otwarta
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school educates students in order to prepare them to work in a chosen profession. A preliminary analysis of the situation of our students showed that for many of them the main problem in implementing their professional plans or working in the European Union was the lack of sufficient knowledge of the language and the lack of openness to other cultures. The reason for this was unsatisfactory level of teaching foreign languages in schools and the limited implementation of international projects from both the students and the teachers (whose knowledge of foreign language was also insufficient). As a result of these analyzes, we took immediate steps to remedy the situation, to improve the teaching of foreign languages, as well as enabling students to contact with their peers abroad in order to gain valuable experience and break the barriers of both language and culture. A plan for this project came into existence as a result of these actions. It assumed rapid and comprehensive improvement in the quality of teaching and knowledge of foreign languages among teachers. The aim of the course for the teachers was to change already existing and inefficient methods used in daily teaching and replacing them with modern methods, used by teachers in other European countries. We did not want to confine only in changing the forms of foreign language classes, that is why we went a step further in our plans and engaged teachers of other subjects (vocational), in order to increase the range of influence of the project. Nine vocational teachers were improving their language skills for two reasons. The first one was the plan of subsuming the usage of English in other school subjects, for example, through the use of English-language sources or websites and the use of English-language portals. The second one was the willingness to engage teachers in the school projects, including the most important new project of organizing abroad vocational practices and internship programs for our students. Three English teachers were improving their methodology to make their lessons more valuable. To sum up, the main aim of our project was comprehensive develop linguistic competence of our students (including language skills useful in their future career) and teachers in order to "open the door to Europe". Therefore 12 teachers were qualified to take part in the training program. Among them there were foreign language teachers and vocational subjects teachers, which greatly enhance our ability to participate in variable projects. 9 teachers took part in general english ( 8 teachers) and german(1 teacher) language course in Oxford ,Great Britain and Vien , 3 english teachers took part in english methodology course in Oxford. When teachers returned from the trips abroad, there were a few changes in the school. First, the teachers who participated in the methodical training, are preparing a series of workshops on the methodology of teaching, using the information acquired during the courses. This will launch a process of implementing methodical innovations in certain subjects taught at our school. In addition English lessons in our school attracts more students and vocational teachers are able now to use of English- language sources and websites. Besides, we started a period of looking for partners to implement small projects within the framework of the subjects we teach using eTwinning. As a result of the implementation of the activities described above, we see improvement in our students` language competence. In addition, we are assured that succeeded in this way to break the barrier and encourage young people to make use of opportunities, offered by a variety of educational mobility programs. The entire project definitely equip young people with the skills, knowledge and attitudes that will be enable them to seek work outside the country, which will greatly improve their situation in this regard. In the longer term the project will contribute to making our school European character and will improve our image in local environment.

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