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Europa interattiva
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is the result of the will and the common wish of teachers and school heads. They all were motivated by the potential opening on Europe, with innovated methodologies of teaching that can let the students feel more involved, dynamics and participants. Spark always more the motivation through information material, which occupies a very important place in the daily life of young people, will allow us, the teachers, to give more relevance to the education and make living a language of the European Community. (French and Italian). The persons who join the project are school heads and teachers, they want to make innovations and increase the school with different cultural and linguistic experiences or other. This project called «interactive Europe» will allow the use of authentic documents, developing competences in the sectors of the oral and written expression, oral and written comprehension but also and above all the oral interaction. Mechanisms, linguistic, grammatical and lexical automatisms will be created to speak gradually more spontaneous and natural. The students, through final products that will be prepared together with the teachers, will develop and improve their competences, the knowledge, the « knowing-to do ». During the week of mobility, the students will have to realise products about the connection of the cultures and their daily life spotlighting the likeness but also the differences between the two Countries, their two regions. Their projects will be adapted in a ebook or on a blog page and published on the platform e-twinning. Simultaneously to the intervention of the teachers, it is foreseen a meeting between the school heads of the two institutes, which will be not only an exchange of experiences on the management and administration of the respective schools, the likeness and differences of the educational system in the two countries, but also the creation of an institutional connection between them, supporting and sharing human, didactic and cultural experiences in a long-lasting way. This project will give the possibility, thanks to the determination of teachers and school heads, to put in contact two Countries, two cultures, giving a concrete dimension of learning, weaving connections in the European youth, holder itself of new projects and a new rush.
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