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Europa en el corazón, en el corazón de Europa - Una enseñanza europea
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is called “In the heart of Europe and Europe in our hearts” - a European education, as we are conscious of the role as multiplying agents that we assume in the teaching learning process. Education must be aimed at reaching our students’ hearts.The world where we live is becoming more global, diverse and complex. Therefore, our environment can be a rich source of new experiences provided that we are able to understand and interpret it properly. What is more, we live in a more European world, as we look towards Europe and search for opportunities in the heart of Europe. We have to live in this world and understand the differences within it from the heart and with all our heart in order to recognize these differences and consider them as enriching elements. For this reason, we state that “Europe is in our hearts”.We understand education from a European approach which includes European languages and cultures as the main tenets of our educational action, so as to help our students build up a positive attitude towards the world. Enhancing communicative skills in English as well as in other foreign languages is of paramount importance to us. We encourage our students to learn and live experiences where they can use foreign languages inside and outside the school. This can be done by means of learning content subjects through English and including intercultural aspects and competences within the teaching learning process.As multiplying agents, teachers play an essential part in this European, intercultural and plurilingual education. In order to perform this function, teachers need periodical training and retraining programmes. For this reason, one of our main aims is to provide our teachers with the necessary training so that they can continue working on the development of European projects in our school and also encourage other teachers to take part in these projects.As regards our school context, we will start by saying that there are five different secondary schools in our town, and it can be said that our school is special for many reasons. We have been feeling “Europeans” from the bottom of our heart for a long time. For this reason, we participate in all types of educational programmes with our students in order to bring them closer to the heart of Europe. For example, we took part in several LEONARDO DA VINCI projects with our vocational education students, and now we are taking part in the ERASMUS+ programme, which enables them to develop part of their professional training in different European countries. Concerning our secondary education students, they have been involved in COMENIUS, exchanges and eTwinning projects for a long time. Moreover, our school was one of the first secondary schools in Tomelloso which implemented an English/Spanish bilingual programme and it is the only school which offers bilingual education to upper secondary education students. We also offer vocational education courses to those students who choose not to study a university degree. As we can see, our school comprises a wide range of studies and students. It is the most international school in our town as well, as there are students from all over the world. In fact, it has received an official recognition of the diversity and complexity of its different studies and students.Our teachers usually work in both secondary/upper secondary education and vocational education and they transmit the same European values to all our students, regardless of the type of studies they are enrolled in.Goals and actions:This year, we would like to offer three of our teachers a retraining course on language or methodology, so that they can continue working with foreign languages, teaching content subjects through English or increasing their level of commitment to the international projects in our school. We would like them to take part in a two-week training course in a foreign country, preferably in the United Kingdom, which allows them to enhance their teaching practice and also their communicative and intercultural competences.The teachers who would like to enroll in this training course are content subject teachers who teach their subjects through English and also language teachers. All of them are highly committed to the implementation and development of European projects in our school, such as the bilingual programme and eTwinning projects.Our school will also benefit from this teacher training programme, as our teachers will improve their communicative competence in English and in other foreign languages, which will help them enhance the methodology used in the subjects included in the bilingual programme. They will also tell other teachers and students about their good experience in the training courses, which will encourage them to take part in this type of projects. We would like to motivate our students to participate in European and international projects and actions, as well as to encourage our teachers to get

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