Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This Project was born with the aim of creating and training students as individuals capable of studying and working in Europe, feeling like european citizens and able to create their own international identity. For this purpose it’s necessary that our students assume this European role as something of their own to achieve the best development of their professional future. Due to the area where our school is placed, a so much crippled by the economic crisis neighbourhood, our students don’t feel they have the same opportunities to achieve this goal . For this reason, our main objective since the last few years is to build a bridge that eases the path to achieve a professional future full of options. In order to build this bridge, it’s necessary that our school project, teachers and the school board work together in different national and international projects. The aims our Project tries to achieve are the following: - Our students to finish Secondary Compulsory Education with a high level of English that allows them to not only study abroad but also gives them a wide working variety. - Our students to acquire the capacities and skills that makes them able to develop their professional future. - Our students to feel they are part of Europe that gives them a wide range of future possibilities. - Our students to show interest in and respect to other cultures and to increase their interest in learning other languages. - To reduce school failure among our students and to increase their motivation to continue learning For the achievement of these long term objectives, it’s necessary to take short term measures. That’s why our school created a school project in which Maths, Spanish Language and English language class hours were increased. Moreover some subjects as Arts and Crafts are taught in English. Then the school got the official certificate as Bilingual school by the Madrid Community. This means that one third of the total class hours is taught in English (Science and Arts and Crafts). On the other hand, the school has been carrying out European projects as Comenius by which a multilateral partnership was held with schools from Austria, Poland, Sweden and Turkey. We also participate in Célula Europa Project whose aim is to prepare our students to live in this new european context. Erasmus + project means the continuation of these first steps to achieve our aims. The project has two main lines, one leads to teacher training with the aim of acquiring the teaching skills and competences necessary to educate our students as XXI century European individuals, and another line, which is closely related to the former, and whose main goal is for our students to put into action the skills and competences acquired during their learning process through multilateral projects among other European countries and through students mobility so as to use the language they have learnt in a real context, to know different cultures and to have the chance to grow as an European citizens. The first line of our Project responds to the school needs that our current situation and our school project goals create: Teacher training. This training goes in 4 directions: - Linguistic training, to achieve a B2/C1 level. We need our teachers to get the specific linguistic competence to teach in a bilingual program. - CLIL methodology training. We need our teachers who already have a high level of English to obtain a qualification in CLIL methodology. - Education quality and innovation, to reduce the school failure through an increase of student motivation and a betterment of teaching methods. - Methodological innovation in the teaching of English Language and use of ICT techniques in the classes. All these training courses will give our teachers the tools to create the new European individual of this century. With all these ingredients we pretend to train students ready for an adult life, with self confidence on their possibilities and with the necessary tools to be part of a bigger European society. Europe is the air we breathe.
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