Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The EuropA-21 project aims to generalize and democratize knowledges about actions of the European Union. This project is based on two inextricably linked axes. The first is academic. The objective is to target, as part of our University of Tours and his laboratory, the Study and Research Group on International and European Cooperation) - the only one in Région centre - to academic excellence. And we aim to cover all areas of disciplinary knowledges of the European Union action, to ensure the coherence of lessons throughout the academic progress of students, enhance doctoral studies and high-level research on the European and international level. Our training offer in this regard will be increasing Europeanization. The second is to get out the academic knowledge on Europe out of the speakers of the University. This is the "citizen" component of our project. French citizens, the business environment, the elected, representatives ... have a "low" knowledge of the European actions. Also, we will try to build on the University of Temps libre of Tours (university open to all) which will be offered for the first time courses on European integration. We have also diversified our teachings to other public (literary, economists, historians). Our contacts have been strengthened with the very present associations on European themes: Europe Houses, EDIC, Chamber of Commerce, and local elected representatives, etc. The scientific dimension will also be enhanced through strong international and European cooperation already established in our Faculty. A European legal clinic will be set up in autumn 2015 (unique in Région Centre). Public lectures and "European coffees" will be offered to citizens in continuation of our work at Team Europe

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