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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The lycée Jean Monnet, lycée des métiers du bâtiment (construction and built environment) is situated in the suburbs close to Paris, accessible by metro. The lycée is opened to 600 young people who receive both initial and adult training skills french qualifications CAP (certificat d'aptitude professionnelle) up to plus 4 years training after the leaving certificate. The lycée's specific project is to develop European mobility for pupils and to fight against absenteeism and the dropping out of pupils from the school system. The lycée aims at developing employment competence among those in training and to improve their language fluency. Since 2012 our lycée has developed its school project around Europe. A partnership created in June 2013 with the Maison de l'Europe and th Region Ile de France (Paris region) made it possible that several staff members and a group of pupils were informed and trained as regard Europe and its actions. In follow up to this European section was inaugurated in September 2013 in the domain of administration management. The form teacher specialized in this area is also qualified to teach through English (discipline non linguistique). The Principle, the school Accountant, and the form teacher responsible for the project along with the school librarian have all been trained to organize European projects by the agency 2e2f and the Centre Ressources Europe. The next mobility session planned is over 4 weeks and it concerns 20 pupils : 16 in the European section preparing their leaving certificate in administration and 4 in construction and built environment. 12 of the 20 will be under 18 when the mobility comes about. They are French of foreign origins (10), all of the pupils come from low-income, socially deprived backgrounds. These young people have often very poor self esteem, they lack confidence and rarely dare to be ambitious. This work experience project reinforces our objectives to help them develop their professional skills by associating their capacity to adapt their new environment, develop autonomy and team work while at the same time giving them opportunity to practice and improve on their communication skills in English. The pupils involved in the project have been accepted on the basis of their motivation and personal input at each phase and not on their language ability. In May 2016 the pupils will carry out a 4 weeks work placement in a company in Dublin, Ireland. They will stay with family nearby. The CEI Centre d'échanges internationaux, is the partner organism which structures the placement in Ireland and the homestay accommodation and transport on site. We are working continually with the CEI on each step of this project. Follow up of the pupils in their place of work will be carried out jointly by both the CEI and the form teacher. The teacher will be present for the first 5 days of the placement and the last 5 days. Particular attention and follow up is imperative as 12 of the 20 students are under 18 : the first 5 days to oversee the pupils arrival and details related to settling in and the last 5 days to conclude with evaluations meetings and tie up any last minute details. Constant communication will be upheld over the four weeks through new technology as well as contact numbers and constant networking. Preparing this work experience placement is two fold : educational and communication. Educational preparing the pupils to work in their professional field and communication working on their oral and postural expression through a drama course and professional English skills. The educational team assures a clear framework and follow up on this project for mobility in Europe. A working group has been formed and meets regularly. The families have been and will be associated and accompanied to implement this action plan at its best. The European certification tools : CV and Language Passport are already used by teachers. The Europass mobility certification will be delivered after the placement in Ireland. A specific certification associated with the European section is delivered on a national level. This experience will be beneficial not only for the participants but also for the pupils of other sections in the school for which other projects are being developed. It is our goal to draw a link between the lycée's educational approach and up and coming better results in state examinations. The lycée aims for an efficient professional insertion and a higher percentage of pupils following further education. Our project initiated from a desire to reach out to local communities and provide hands on experience reinforced by professional training. The lycée's educational project stems from an approach in liaison with local, regional, national and European partners. Among the vocational schools in the area we have regular get togethers to exchange. The information on our project is made available to career guidance counselors as well as local employment partners.
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