Search for European Projects

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As the European mobility and the acquisition of transversal key competences during the first career training are of high relevance, we want to extend our services in the present Erasmus + Pool project EuroMobility and simultaneously contribute to the European networking. Many trainees showing their interest in participating in study abroad and looking for appropriate support and guidance, especially as the own application to a mobility project is an obstacle for them and their companies. That interest was reinforced by the previously realized Leonardo-da-Vinci-mobility-project by bwhw and the advertisement of poolprojects. With this application we want 80 trainees, mainly from SMEs, enable a stay abroad within the next two years. The trainees and their companies are supported by qualified bwhw professionals. The planned industry focuses of the project including the areas of electrical, metal/ engine- and vehicle construction, services [esp. Hotel / catering, cleaning], logistics, business / management [esp. in the field of wholesale and foreign trade, retail, office] and care / health. That kind of industries benefit from the European Economic Area and have concrete prospects of integration because of the impending of skilled workers shortage.The participating students can be sent individually from four to six weeks in suitable foreign partner companies, so they can gather new practical experience, additional qualifications and key skills. During that time the trainees should learn particularly traditional work processes and situations and develop their own mobility and flexibility in the European job market. The planned stay abroad is an integral component of the first career training and is prepared as well as worked off by the bwhw [in linguistic, educational, professional and intercultural aspects]. There is a comprehensive support and supervision by the bwhw and the current partners abroad. The work plan abroad is based upon the current occupation and is coordinated in advance with the training company, the vocational school and the relevant authority. Partner countries like Austria, France, Italy, Poland, Ireland, Great Britain and Turkey are provided.The partners abroad are foreign companies and business-related institutions in the partner regions of the state Hessen which providing or mediating available internship positions. There already exists a cooperation with some foreign companies. Depending on demand that pool will be added.
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4 Partners Participants