Search for European Projects

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Bildungswerk der Hessischen Wirtschaft e.V. [bwhw] has been supporting transnational exchanges for some years now, with the aim to enable young people a mobility for the acquisition of transversal key competences during the initial training. The first Hessian Erasmus+ Project LEONARDO DA VINCI started in June 2012. A total of 35 trainees can be sent abroad for an intern. For the project period 01.07.2014 – 30.06.2016, 41 trainees from the VET-System (Vocational Education and Training) received the opportunity to be sent individually between four to six weeks for a stay abroad in coordination with the training company, the vocational school and the relevant authority. During that time, the trainees were able to improve their language skills and could gather new practical experiences, additional qualifications and key skills. In particular, they got to know traditional work processes and situations and managed to develop their own mobility as well as flexibility in the European job market. The planned stay abroad was an integral component of the first career training and was prepared in coordination with the training programs as well as worked off by the bwhw. The concerned industry areas were precisely technical and IT (8 trainees), clerk office (8 trainees), logistics (7 trainees), audiovisual, marketing and information services (3 trainees), event management (3 trainees), trade (2 trainees), care/health (2 trainees), administration (2 trainees), insurance, industry, multilingual secretary, real estate management, laboratory technician, retail and wholesale trade (respectively 1 trainee). Partner countries were Great Britain (12 trainees), Ireland (7 trainees), Austria (4 trainees), France (3 trainees), Hungary (2 trainees) and Italy (2 trainees), Spain, Poland, Belgium, Island, Netherlands, Malta, Slovenia, Denmark, Slovakia, and Czech Republic (respectively 1 trainee). Since the budget was not completely exhausted at the end of the project period, one more trainee was sent abroad and received a grant. Through this successful stay abroad, the trainees were able to strengthen their personality, develop intercultural and language skills as well as gather additional qualifications for their profession. As proof for their new acquired competences, skills and qualifications all the trainees received an Europass mobility.

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