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Euromobility 2015-2017
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This mobility project for the VET takes it's place in both the context of our geographic area: the Meuse department which is one of the poorest in France: it is rural, isolated and characterized by very important economic difficulties (no growth, unemployment and population drop and youth exodus). And also our Vocational Training Center (CFA Louis Prioux) European development Plan: Training and Cooperation at a european scale with several schools, training centers like us and companies partners in several european countries. Our learners are apprentices educated trough a combined and alternated IVET and company based training. They are trained in the fields of catering (cooks, waiters, confectioners, bakers, butchers, hair-dressing, car mechanics and selling clerks. Our apprentices are very often in a situation of academic failure when they arrive at the CFA. They also often lack curiosity in general, maturity, autonomy and initiative spirit abilities. As a result, they have a rather poor self-image, self-condidence and ambitions. Nevertheless, they have professional skills. So the project is both a continuation of our past LDV mobility projects and includes new activities now possible in the scope of Erasmus+. It focuses on 4 distinct activities, A1 is a one month mobility activity for our apprentices in the field of catering: it involves a Traineeship in hotels and restaurants that often have been our partners for a long time. The mobilities will be staggered over 2 years, in January 2016 and 2017. 47 candidates are involved, with a majority of them going in 2016. Activity A2 concerns longer mobility periods (1 year) in the UK as well and with the same company partners as with A1. We believe A1 and A2 complete each other perfectly with A2 being the continuation of A1. The candidates for A2 are former trainees who are now on the work market. The participants will have the opportunity to work in very nice companies and will have to achieve tasks in the frame of their respective job. We are willing to allow more candidates involved in other fields of training to get involved in our mobility activities; as a result comes A3 in Germany with BBZ Norderstedt which is at the same time a Highschool and a Vocational Training Center. The candidates are apprentices in the field of car mechanics; the acivity will last 15 days and is scheduled for January 2017 and will involve two participants who will have the opportunity to be trained in a school that can offer quite remarkable training infrastructures in the field concerned. As part of our European Development Plan, we are wishing to involve our personnel in our activities in order to give them key competences and strenghten our abilities to conduct mobilities. That is the aim of A4 with Bernath Kalman school in Hungary. That activity involves sending 2 teachers (1 in February 2016, 1 in February 2017) for 2 weeks with as a mission to observe Training methods used there. In order to fullfil these activities, we will use our assets: long experience of mobility actions, adequate internal organization and trained personnel. As well as the relations founded on trust with our partners. Carefull elaboration of the project, focused on quality. good communication at every stage is also paramount and we use every means at our disposal, including new information technology. Our teams thanks to years of experience are able to insure a performant selection and preparation of the candidates , as well as the necessary logistic and administrative tasks. The same is true regarding our partners. Furthermore, we use and implement all necessary means to insure an efficient communication and dissemination of the results. As for the impact, we can say it is determining both for our institution and the participants: our VTC as been literally transformed by our mobility actions: methods, quality of the personnel, our school now radiates well beyond our local area, with a strong regional base and european cooperations. That allows us to go further and keep on developing partnerships and spreading good practices. The participants gain key competences in both a formal and informal way: they are more motivated by their training, jobs and career, more willing to learn foreign languages, more autonomous, curious, and simply more "adult". So results tend to correspond to objectives: apprenticeship in general is more successfull with participants now capable of initiatives, more self-confident, with as an ambition getting a job they like and now willing "to fight" for it. As citizens, they are also more tolerant and curious of the others and their cultures. All contributes to giving the European Union a tangible reality while promoting and educating to citizenship. As for our school, our strategy gets validated, our partnerships perpetuated and that gives us the will and means to cooperate even more at a european scale in the interest of our apprentices. Consequently creating a virtuous circle.

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