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Eurocompetențe în domeniul IT - cale sigura pentru o integrare rapida pe piata muncii
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

`Eurocompetences in IT - a sure way for a quick integration on the labor market` is a project of mobilities for VET professional training, which runs over a period of 20 months and targets a group of 28 students in 11th and 12th grades which are in the process of initial training at `Octavian Goga` National College Marghita. At the end of their studies, these students will get the qualification of assistant programmer, according to the certificate of professional competences. The main purpose of this project is the improvement of the teaching approach by applying it to the specific of a theoretic profile graduate, having a Mathematics-Informatics specialization. This will be acquired by applying the theoretical knowledge and practical acquisitions acquired in the school’s informatics laboratory, in a practical context, i.e. companies having an I.T. profile. Such an approach will inevitably lead to the rise of the competitive level of the future assistant programmer, as he gets the opportunity of working with a proper technical equipment, with the most performing hardware and software technics, the opportunity of getting acquainted to the newest trends in the field, of establishing contacts with specialist highly anchored in the reality, of extending the IT world to other forms of professional training, along with those studied in the school curriculum, of being aware of the actual trends in the chosen field, of using their knowledge of a foreign language in a real context, of making new career plans by continuing their studies at a higher level. The objectives of the project:- Acquirement of increased and updated competences, knowledge and skills in the informatics field, for a better integration on the labor market- Increase of the adaptability at the working place by applying the theoretical knowledge in practice in real working environment, connected to the newest trends in the field- Personal development of the participants by improving their competences and the abilities of team work and their social, cultural and linguistic competences - Establishing contacts with companies having an IT profile, which will lead to new collaborations and entrepreneurship initiatives The investment will be done in the period January 2017, flux 1 and October 2017, flux 2. It will take place at the hosting organizations Inforcavado and Indot Design, companies that activate in the field of projecting and developing of informatics systems in the city of Barcelos, Portugal. The partnership also includes the intermediate organization Amigos de Mobilidade Barcelos, that facilitated our contacts and will provide the transfer, accommodation, the cultural and linguistic program of the participants. During the investment, contents from 2 units of competence will be developed, units that are contained in the informatics curricula of the 11th grade, informatics-mathematics profile:- The identification of data that intervene in a problem and the application of the fundamental algorithms of their processing – 40 hours of practical stage- The implementation of algorithms in a programming language – 40 hours of practical stage, respectively 1 module from the 12th grade informatics curriculum for the mathematic-informatics profile- Microsoft Visual FoxPro– 80 hoursThis, the thematic of the investment can be integrated in the training program and so, the school has the opportunity to acknowledge the training stage.Expected outcome for the 28 participants:- High level professional competences of the participants in dynamically assigned data structures and in Microsoft Visual FoxPro- Knowledge about the way a company in the informatics field works- Competences of active-participative learning and of team work- Intercultural and relational competences - Competences of communication in a foreign languageTangible outcome:- A CD with a presentation of the project, pictures taken during the mobility, the participants’ impressions- The realization of a blog and a site, in order to promote the experience gained during the project - An informatics club for the middle school pupils, where the participants to the mobility will take the role of trainers for their younger colleagues Capitalization of the project- The realization of the informatics club and of some practical programming demonstrations- The inclusion of the presentation brochure and of the CD in the practical activities in the informatics classes- The realization of other Erasmus+ projects.
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