European Projects
Eurocalificarea - drum deschis catre o cariera de ..
Eurocalificarea - drum deschis catre o cariera de succes pe piata europeana a muncii
Start date: Sep 1, 2015,
End date: Aug 31, 2016
The goal of the project-European qualification-an open road to a successful career on the European labour market-whose beneficiary is LBOR, results from an actual need for skills training to European standards of students as they prepare in the fields of mechanical, electromechanical, and tourism and alimentation, providing an opportunity to improve their professional training in a competitive work environmentso they have a point of support in finding a job after graduation.
The project comes in response to the difficulties of professional insertion identified on the local labour market, due to a lack of modern equipment for the implementation of new technologies and has active partnerships with operators in the field. It is proposing and developing learning situations in the workplace, at European standards, as part of the process of transition from school to active life, so that students will be given increased employment opportunities, the alternative labor markets.
The project promotes the following objectives:
O1. The development of the relevant and transferable knowledge and skills in accordance with SPP, valid at local, national and European level, and achieving an agreement between the labour market needs and skills formed, through transnational mobility for learning purposes, taking into consideration the transition from school to work, and having personal development, increasing prospects for careers and increasing labour market employment as a result.
Expected results: the professional development of the students, improving their abilities to communicate and work in a team, young people's competitiveness on the European market of labour, assimilating examples of good practice to develop their entrepreneurship spirit.
O2.Adaptation to the requirements of a future job and the awareness of belonging to the same system of European values in education by recognizing the skills acquired using the ECVET system tools, in order to improve competitive advantages, required in participating and progress in the world of European labor market, to make it easier for more then a quick integration in it.
Expected results: ensuring equal opportunities through the education of youth in the unity of the EU.
O3. Promoting personal development through transnational work placement: the development of language, intercultural and transversal skills needed in the society of knowledge.
Expected results; direct knowledge of the social and cultural life of the partner countries, knowledge of common values and acceptance of diversities.
O4.Developing partnerships with European companies and institutions which contribute to the development of a workforce adaptable to an inclusive labour market.
Proposed actions for achieving objectives:
-1 internship for Class XI, Tourism- 24 participants in Portugal to AEA to develop general technical competences: UC15-hygiene, safety at work and environmental protection 30 hours for UC26-National and international Cuisine and 30 hours UC16-Consumer Protection.
Duration: 3 weeks/90 hours of training for practice placements
- 2 internships for class X-a- mechanics field -16 participants /electromechanics field, in Poland, at CKP Wroclaw to develop key competences: U.C.1.6-working in team, U. C 1.9-transition from school to work (according to SPP) and specialised technical skills (under CDL):
1. identification of machines and mechanisms
2. Mounting-dismounting the installations, mechanisms and installations of fluids.
3. maintenance and repairs of machinery and installations, installations of fluids circulation.
Duration: 3 weeks/90 hours for CDL.
-1 internship, for Class XI Electromechanical field-20 participants in Poland to CKP Wroclaw, to develop general technical skills: UC 21. Electronic Circuits and unit key competence UC3. Interpersonal resource management.
Duration: 3 weeks/90 hours of training.
Through this project, the beneficiaries are offered the opportunity to improve also in related areas, as well as to understand the entrepreneurial culture through knowledge concerning the activities and the organization of the workplace where work is carried out as well as the ability to adapt to the needs of the European space.