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Just as its namesake in the animal kingdom is distinguished by its wide field of vision, the LLP “Owl”(or, to give it its German name, “EULE”) project (with “EULE” also standing for “Europe Learns”) hasset itself the goal of broadening the view of education in Europe in order to achieve the objectives set bythe Lisbon Agenda and to increase Europe’s competitiveness.The consortium consists of four national working groups from Germany, Denmark, Finland and theNetherlands, which all support the idea of lifelong learning and seek to increase people’s practical graspof intercultural and European realities. The German group will concern itself with early learning andeducation that is alert to the existence of prejudice, and the Finnish group with multilingualism andlanguage use generally. The Dutch group will concentrate on reducing school drop-out rates and, withthat in mind, will examine the ways in which education is organised and the successes enjoyed byschools. Finally, the Danish group will concentrate on “Democratic Education as a Way of Life”.Through the work on these themes, the objectives of the Lisbon Agenda will be pursued both implicitlyand explicitly. In each country, expertise on the subject concerned will be assembled and madeavailable in the form of seminars for people working in education. In the first year, modules for eachsubject area will be designed which it will be possible to use as standard or optional modules both in therelevant courses of study (for example, in teacher education at BA or MA level) and for in-servicetraining. By providing a diploma supplement and allocating ECTS credits, this module should berecognised as a proper element of study and – where the required conditions exist – accepted by theinstitutions of the partner countries. In the second year, more development work will be done on theseminar module for use at international level. There will also be a week of opportunities for trainee andpractising teachers, educators and lecturers, etc., to meet and extend their knowledge and practical skillsin one or other of the subject areas and, at the same time, to familiarise themselves with the educationalsystem of the host country. The meetings should foster contacts between people and institutions –contacts that will be maintained beyond the period of the project and lead to long-term forms ofcooperation. At least 200 potential disseminators of the ideas discussed will take part in the seminarsduring the period of the project, following which module handbooks or study packs will be madeavailable.This material will appear in book form but will also be adapted for e-learning. A steering group, towhich each institution will send a representative, will coordinate the project activities and provide theorganisational framework, meeting at regular intervals and supporting and supervising the organisationand content of the work, as well as offering advice.
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  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\DISSEMINATION AND EXPLOITATION OF RESULTS, AND EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICE (KEY ACTIVITY 4)\Multilateral projects
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform