Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We started from the observation that in each partner country of the project , a majority of students that we see daily in our courses have become impervious to the plight of people around them in society. Even if this attitude is unvoluntary, indifference and individualism gradually wins the heart of men. It often needs a litle help to make the different actors communicate so that a dialogue is established again. So we thought to involve a group of pilot students enrolled in various categories of students on a voluntary basis, to try to implement actions that would aim to help the associations, whose volunteers are already trying to create and implement mechanisms to help the poorest. In all of our countries , we will have a group of participants (between 20 and 25 students), all volunteers, who will act for the chosen associations. The proposed activities are very diverse, but always with a common goal: punctually raise funds that would abound reservations associations to enable them to finance new projects, in order to further help people in distress. These actions mentioned in more detail in the Gantt chart. The different actions would involve our students, the key players in the project. They would search for solutions together with the members of the associations and their beneficiaries through meetings and dialogues. Some examples for solutions and concrete actions would be to interact, disseminate information to raise awareness, raise funds through sales of objects, call for donations etc. The benefits of these actions throughout the project life are manifold. We would like to see our students grow as humans, to instill in our students a taste of entrepreneurship for non-commercial purposes, make them interested in the people around them and to become sensitive to issues concerning the associations. Finally we would like to see a permanent link forming between the world of associations and European citizens: a human approach, devoid of ulterior motives.
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4 Partners Participants