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EU Practises for Young Researchers: Studying Economics of Institutional Development
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project consists of two summer schools on Institutional Economics organized in Moscow in early July of 2017 and 2018. Russian Summer School for Institutional Analysis (RSSIA) is a unique series of events disseminating the best practices of institutional change and effective institutional reforms to assure their successful application at the less developed markets and the economies in or immediately after the transition. It is organized annually starting from 2007 by the Center for Institutional Studies, HSE. During one week participants - young researchers, PhD and Master students from all over the world - learn how the most up-to-date and all-the-rage institutional studies are performed and to present their own research projects. To ensure the academic strength and expertise of supply side of the RSSIA disseminating mechanism, we equip our faculty team with the distinguished researchers mostly from the EU to deliver the lectures on the best institutional practices as well as the up-to-date methods and tools to examine their efficiency and applicability in the countries with weak institutional environments. RSSIA schedule also includes seminars and plenty of possibilities for discussion and communication, so the participants could significantly improve their understanding of how improve their own research, which they present. RSSIA topics cover a wide range of the markets, institutions and economic relationships important for smooth economic growth. The schools scheduled for 2017-2018 aim to struggle with poor institutions which slow down economic development and prevent underdeveloped markets from coping efficiently with the aftermath of most recent crises. We hope to improve standards and quality of academic research in the field of institutional economics and to allow for quick career development of participating researchers. The best practices and best institutions coming from the EU experience will provide an excellent tool kit to achieve this goal.
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