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EU-Japan Security Cooperation: Challenges and Opportunities
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project examines EU-Japan security cooperation in ten different security areas and explores why cooperation may exist in some security sectors and not in others. The ten security dimensions are: military security, regional security, nuclear proliferation, terrorism, energy security, human security, civil protection, cyber security, economic security, and migration security. Each of these sectors would be systematically assessed by five core elements, such as levels of threat perception and degree of cooperation achieved, and the application of thresholds of “high”, medium” and “low” for determining the levels or degrees of convergence/divergence in EU-Japan security cooperation. Findings of this examination, together with the planned workshops/conference, roundtable and publications (book and article), will not only help to enhance scholarly interest in the effectiveness of EU external security policy, or open new research prospects for young academics, but also contribute to greater knowledge and debate in the policy-making community, like the EEAS, and to raising awareness among civil society organisations and the public in both the EU and Japan. The project will hence make a clear value-added contribution both in research output and in cross-fertilisation of knowledge transfer. The inter-disciplinary project activities are:(1) the establishment of a web site(2) the organisation of two two-day workshops (one in Europe and one in Japan) (3) a roundtable event involving a presentation to local/regional civil society organisations and the general public(4) the publication of online policy papers(5) a final conference(6) the writing of an edited volume(8) the writing of an articleOverall, the research will provide insights about the extent to which the EU and Japan converge or diverge in terms of threat perceptions and the extent to which they are willing to jointly cooperate in combating these threats on any of the ten named security sectors

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