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"EU Integration Agent" - innovative guidance methodology for integration of low-skilled immigrants into adult education
Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

77 million of people in Europe are low-skilled and those with the lowest educational attainments are the least likely to participate in learning. Immigrants are overrepresented in this group, which decreases their chance for integration. Many studies on the low-skilled in the EU claim that the most effective way for guidance to adult education/labour market is through mobilizing all relevant stakeholders. Practice shows that many solutions have been adopted by different stakeholders. However, there is still a lack of the holistic method for integration of low-skilled immigrants, when the same measures are provided to one person several times or offered at wrong moments, which leads to demotivation. At system level it causes: a) mismanagement of public funds on repetitive integration measures, b) inability to monitor provided services; c) disappearance of marginalised immigrants from the public system into the black market. IGMA project addresses these shortcomings through the development of an innovative guidance methodology for regional stakeholder networks, and deals with the integration of low-skilled immigrants based on 3 elements: - The Integration Ladder Method will comprise the total number of steps which an individual should take to enter education/the labour market. By this method the stakeholders will measure on which step at the ladder an individual is standing. After that an individual plan will be designed with concrete steps/goals. - Coordination among stakeholders, where each of them is responsible of the specific step. This will ensure transparency of provided services and improvement of common professional standards in the field. - Progress management approach will help to use resources in the most efficient way and to improve management procedures at each stakeholder organization.This transparent guidance will put individuals with their needs in the centre of the integration process, which will increase their chances for entering education/the labour market and integration into society.

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