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EU gives you WINGS: towards EUropean Work based learnING experienceS
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project EU Gives You WINGS stems from the need to strength in IVET students one of the key competences requested by the current economic context, i.e. sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. The best way to transfer such skills is through the use of experiences that encourage the learning by doing approach. Among these, a crucial role is played by learning experiences based on the Project-based Learning (PBL) methodology and by the participation in transnational traineeships. Through PBL, which is a teaching method that organizes learning around projects, students gain knowledge and skills by investigating complex and real issues, carrying out tasks and developing project products. The transnational experiences carried out outside the friendly environment encourage the development of transversal skills such as adaptability and flexibility that are part of the skills required to develop an entrepreneurial attitude. Since several years, the members of the national consortium (ENAC, SCF, ENGIM VENETO) are trying to apply PBL methodologies within their centers, and they have recently decided to promote a joint project, based on this methodology, aiming at creating a network among several IVET centers by establishing a buyer-supplier relationship. In this way the centers engaged in the network will create products / services to be used by other network centers. The mobility project EU gives you WINGS would like to interact with this joint project in order to combine the development of PBL methodologies and transnational mobility experiences addressed to VET students and staff. The specific objective of the project EU gives you wings are: a) to strength the competences of VET staff engaged in planning and managing learning processes using the PBL approach and through the exchange of good practices with other VET providers; b) to strength technical/professional and linguistic skills of VET students, as well as improve their transversal skills through transnational placements carried out in a different economic and social context. This will allow VET students to develop innovation, creativity and responsibility that in the short term will support them in the planning and implementation of projects using the PBL approach and in the long run will increase their employability. To achieve these objectives, the project promotes three types of mobility activities: 1)traineeship for IVET students in a company abroad for a period of three / four weeks; 2) traineeship for IVET students in a VET center abroad - with learning periods in companies or other organisations - for a period of two weeks; 3) job shadowing activities for staff members in other VET centers throughout Europe. The first two types of mobility activities will involve 210 students (in IVET pathways, 2^-3^-4^ year or within one year of obtaining their graduation), the third is addressed to 35 VET staff members. The project provides a wide sectorial and geographical coverage and will involve students, providers and partners from different economic sectors. The students involved in the project have different professional background: catering (15%), food processing (14%), administrative (25%), graphic (17%), well-being (23%), fashion (6%). In addition, the partnership have a significant geographical dimension both at national level (13 Italian regions) and European level (24 partners from 13 countries). The large number of foreign partners and the criteria used to select these institutions will assure VET students that the mobility experience is suited to their professional profiles and will provide VET staff with an extensive knowledge of PBL methodologies developed in the EU. The project envisages the use of ECVET tools in order to allow the exploitation and recognition of the learning outcomes acquired during the transnational mobility. To this end, the consortium will take advante of the experience of SCF and will use the ECVET tools developed by SCF during GORES and LET's GO projects. The main results of the project will be a) a manual with the PBL methodologies and best practices seen by the staff during the job shadowing experiences; b) the creation of video/ multimedia materials concerning students’experiences. The project will have an impact on the development of professional and transversal skills of VET students and staff involved, as well as on the improvement of VET training provision which will be possible thanks to the improvement in the use of the PBL approach and by strengthening the mutual trust among project partners. This project will also lay the groundwork for the implementation of a network experience among Europen VET centers using PBL methodology.
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