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"EU and EECA citizens against unmeployment"
Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

The YE is the second stage of the 2 stage project of "Small Business and civil development association" under YiA programme - "United EUrope and EECA". So the project has two steps, the firs is Training course, where the participants will get all the information about YiA programme . And Youth Exchange project – "EU & EECA citizens against unemployment" will take place in a sea resort of Georgia - Kobuleti, during 21-28 th of March, 2014. The project will last for 8 days (including arrival and departure) and it will bring together 40 young people from 8 different countries, from EU and EECA. (Poland, Italy, Turkey, Czech republic, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Russia)The main aim of the project is to give youngsters opportunity learn more about active citizenship, find themselves as main actors of social development, encourage them to participate in youth work and gain experience which will finally help them get employed. It will be kind of personal development project for youngsters who are just in the way of choosing future professions and they will get sessions which will help them to develop their career; give them basic skills of leadership, team work, creativity, time management and project management. At the end of the YE they will have chance to plan future projects together and work on the most problematic issues they see in their society. The main objectives of the YE are • To promote active citizenship in youngsters coming from EU and EECA region. • Help youngsters develop themselves as active citizens and future youth workers;• To reduce the youth unemployment;The learning methods of project will be through non-formal and in-formal education. For to achieve the principal goals of TC there will be used different creative methods and activities. Group of experienced leaders had worked on the project application and they have planned everything step by step. There is the logical chain between each activity which insures the result achievement.

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