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Etude comparée des services aux personnes en Italie et en France
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This is the fourth Erasmus + project in Italy of the MFR of Doué la Fontaine. It concerns 26 pupils in their final year of Vocational A level Comunity and Social Care. They all need to develop not only their mobility but also their cultutral open-mindness, their autonomy, their will to be taught a foreign language in order to be encouraged to go on with their studies and to be adapted to the professional health care services field. We are strongly helped by the Tuscany Health Care Services Association to prepare this project and we have developped a partnership for the last 3 years. A dozen italian nursing home director came to France came in France each year we began working together to visit our french health care services training partners. We had the wish from the beginning of the project, and with the help of Tuscany health care services association, we found a school with which we can cooperate : Duco D'Aosta School in Firenze. We are developping a Etwinning correspondance in between 26 italian pupils and our 26 french pupils. Those 16-17 year-old italian pupils are at school in accountancy, management and tourism studies. We are to have those pupils in March 2017 for a Training in french structures. Our pupils will go in italian health care services structures and a Montessori school in Firenze. The aims for this project are to compare, to confront and to gain new professionnal abilities, to become more autonomous and also able to move, to develop their open-mindness and also their professionnal curiosity, their european citizenship, their will to learn foreign languages and to be encouraged to go on with their studies.For the MFR, the project will help develop recognition as an open European school, to show and highlight the alternating pedagigia to a european scale but also to get to know the MFR in European Union. The school wishes to work in partnership with other european countries, to allow the teachers to discover other professional abitlities, scholarship system and a different culture, to create a different link with the pupils and finally to open these differences to the professional structures on the territory.We also define aims for our professional french partners : to be made senssitive on the differences concerning the french and the italian system, to get to know the way to think about the professionnal abilities thanks to the reception of italian trainers.For the Tuscany health care servcies association the project will also be helpfull, in the way to put together the various associations, comonly called ASP, since all the nursing homes are mobilised. They are also encourgaed by the way to send professional people in french health care services structures. Concerning the Duco d'Aosta school, the project will help to develop a partnership with a french school and to allow their pupils to come in training in french structures in order to discover french professional abilities, french culture and to develop their french language abilities.This one-year project will help the pupils to be better prepared before the training and in each teaching subjects in the MFR. It will reassured the pupils and their families so that the training will occure in the best conditions. The pupils will then go in training in Italy for two weeks with 2 teachers during the entire trip. Once back in France, we will evaluate the impacts of the project and we will send it to the different participants, to the families, to the entire team and councilof the MFR and also to the healthe care servcies professional partners. Later on, we hope a better professional integration for our pupils, territory and professional recognition of the MFR for their partners and structures alike, as well as professional recognition of the entire MFR and European group. In the future we would like to make the italian partnership lasting.
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