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"Etre mobile, c'est possible..."
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT AND HISTORY OF the PROJECT: the reflection as for the project of mobility began in 2011, by means of a production of a report which aimed at encircling and at raising brakes in the spatial mobility. Indeed, we realized, further to inquiries and exploratory conversations(maintenances) " that contrary to preconceived ideas, the desire of mobility is not obvious " (E. Besson-2008). For us it was thus essential to work on this notion of mobility and to raise apprehensions and stereotypes of the young people. The project of mobility took place from October 31st, 2015 till November 28th, 2015 in Cracow in Poland. OBJECTIVES OF the PROJECT: the European mobility answers objectives defined in our training plans. The latter aim in: - Know how to adapt itself to a new environment - Favor the employability - discover methods of work and different functioning of company to appropriate them, master them and transpose them on their ground of internship(training course) into France. - Favor the self-fulfillment of the learners by developing the autonomy, the respect and the self-confidence, the grip(taking) of responsibility. - Concern a constructive reflection their orientation (projects of competition(help,competitions), pursuits of studies in cities distant from their place of residence), - Acquire new professional, linguistic, civic and social skills, important experiences(experiments) to appoint in the requirements of the world of the work, - Improve their social skills through the meetings lived with other cultures, by favoring the meeting and the exchanges between teenagers of multiple regions and European countries among which the history(story), the lifestyles and the vocational trainings differ, by bringing the young people to become public-spirited European, identity which they do not integrate necessarily to this day. PROFILE OF THE PARTICIPANTS: 16 young people of Final year of high school Vocational high school diploma Aux services the People from 17 to 20 years old among whom 17 girls and 1 boy. DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES: Communication · Listening and communicates with the children, the staff · Reports his(her,its) difficulties with the internship supervisor Maintain premises(places) and equipments · Dust, sweeps(annihilates), washes the class · Maintains the games(sets) and the materials(equipments) · Tidy up the class, the corners(places) activities · Maintains toilet and other premises(places) of the school Take care of the children · Welcome the children · Dress / Undress the children · Puts shoes, slippers · Watch the meals · Help the children in the meal · Watch the nap · Prepare the educational, musical activities and of leisure activities according to the directives of the internship supervisor · Lead educational, musical activities and leisure activities according to the directives of the internship supervisor · Watch an activity · a recreation Watches · Repair of beds THE RESULTS(PROFITS) AND THE IMPACTS The following results(profits) are pulled(fired) by a survey(investigation) further to the experience(experiment) of mobility. The whole group estimates(esteems) to have taken the initiatives on its place of internship(training course). They have for the greater part to develop their team spirit and showed autonomy. Furthermore, the analysis of the results(profits) shows that this project of mobility had a positive impact on their behavior, on judgments(sentences) face to face others, on their attitude in front of school work, the interest carried(worn) at the school. All the participating admits to have progressed in English and discovered Polish. The fact of using the public transportation allowed them to turn better and of this fact of raising brakes in the mobility. The young people do not have an apprehension anymore as if to going off to explore another country. The young people have to develop new professional skills in term of communication, animation, support(accompaniment) of the children, the organization. The young people after this period of mobility asserted themselves, became more responsible and mature (according to the statements of the parents(relatives)). In conclusion we notice that it arouses the interest of a new international mobility. By comparison with the young people not wishing to live the experience(experiment) of mobility, all turns to higher education or specialized or fits into the active life. The mobility allowed them to pass besides the distances to form or work. The difficulties met during this internship(training course) by the participants are mainly the adaptation to the language(tongue) (especially in the beginning of stay), the estrangement of the close friends(relations). They appreciated(estimated) the work in structure, the cultural visits, the fact of speaking another language, to improve their English, to live in community and be run on a cooperative basis within a youth hostel.

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