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ETiHaT – European Training in Hotel and Tourism
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The full-time vocational school for Hotel and Tourism Management Assistants in Wiesau, located in the northern part of Upper Palatinate in Bavaria, trains young people to become certified Hotel and Tourism Management Assistants within three years. In addition to their initial training the students acquire a technical college entrance qualification. So only students with at least a kind of GCSE or high school graduation (“mittlerer Schulabschluss”, which you get e.g. after graduating from “Realschule”) and a personality showing high motivation and performance get the admission to do this training. Since September 2014 extra-occupational studies of a Bachelor of arts in Tourism Economy are offered in Wiesau in cooperation with the college “Hochschule Diploma” located in northern Hesse. The students can study and take their exams at the vocational school in Wiesau.The graduates acquire profound commercial and IT knowledge combined with expertise in the fields of hotel business, gastronomy and tourism. After their graduation they can therefore accomplish challenging tasks in a service company operating in the above mentioned sectors responsibly and effectively.The subjects taught comprehend German, English, Spanish, Czech or French, commercial subjects like Accountancy, Management Processes or Commercial Law as well as job-related subjects like Cooking, Knowledge of Wine and Beverages, Serving in a Restaurant, Housekeeping, Tourism Marketing, etc. While doing their three-year training, the students are obliged to complete an internship of at least 23 weeks in a hotel or company – and if possible, complete a part of it abroad.The aim of the ETiHaT (European Training in Hotel and Tourism) project is to give German students doing their initial training in the fields of Hotel Business and Tourism the chance to gain valuable experience for their personal and professional development by completing an internship in a European country. When they are confronted with real challenges at work, they acquire practical and professional skills and proficiency by training and improving the skills and knowledge they have gained at school.During their stay abroad in carefully selected companies in the field of Hotel Business the student do not only widen their professional skills, but also develop intercultural competence and improve their language skills.These measures to improve young people's mobility aim at 60 young adults aged between 16 and 25 years having at least a kind of GCSE or high school diploma (further explanations given above).The responsibility for this project is taken by a team of dedicated teachers including the headmaster of the vocational school who have several years of experience in professional training and mentoring students during their internships.The demand that we set on ourselves is to be a competent, innovative and reliable training institute enabling students to compete on the regional, national and European labour market as highly motivated, performance-oriented, skilled and experienced workers.
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