European Projects
Estrategias para el éxito escolar en el ámbito eur..
Estrategias para el éxito escolar en el ámbito europeo
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2017
The project we present has as its main aim to train our staff through a set of mobility activities all around Europe, which will enable us to learn and implement new working methods in already existing programmes in our school.
On the other hand, within a globalised education context, it is essential to open the door to an internationalisation process, which is not entirely alien to our school, since we have been organising exchange programmes with France and Finland as well as cultural trips to the United Kingdom over the past few years. To do so, we need the support of the European Union.
Puçol Secondary School has started an improvement process through a series of actions, which have already been established as first priority in our School Education Project:
Promoting the learning of foreign languages through the Multilingual Programme.
Internationalisation of our school by getting in touch with various European schools (France, England, Finland and Sweden) to establish common projects and exchange of students.
Taking part in national projects such as PROMECE (Projects to enhance the students' learning process with cooperative groups of state schools from different autonomous regions).
Teacher training in ICT, in CLIL methodology, School Mediation and team coordination processes.
Implementing Coexistence and Mediation actions to improve the students' relationships and self-confidence as well as the school's learning atmosphere. These strategies will thus lead towards academic achievement.
TEACHER TRAINING strategies in the following aspects:
Further learning of: ICT resources, CLIL methodology and foreign languages.
Job shadowing in European schools that provides us with:
- New formats of management and leadership in the context of management.
- Dealing with the field of school coexistence regarding multicultural areas.
- New working methods in the following crucial subjects: Language, Science, Technology, Computer Science and Mathematics.
A group of teachers from the Internationalisation and Mediation teams are coordinated by the School Management Team. The selected teachers will carry out overseas activities with the commitment to provide the entire educational community with their learning outcomes:
English teachers will enrol in a Refresher and Language Methodology course.
Computer Science teachers will deal with CLIL methodology.
Members of the Management Team will conduct a job shadowing activity on methodological, organizational and attention to multicultural coexistence aspects in Finland, and on the curriculum and methodology applied to the aforementioned subjects in Sweden.
i) Field of work:
European dimension of school organization and the internationalisation of the School.
Teacher training through CLIL methodology.
Use of ICT as a work tool.
Expansion of Multilingualism.
Strategies to promote the academic achievement and academic excellence.
Integration of other cultures within the Coexistence Programme.
Training of the students to be prepared to study in other countries.
Design of the academic world towards the job finding in an European context.
i) Methodology
Use of eTwinning as a platform of communication and planning with our partners.
Publication of objectives, diary of the project, email, different software (videos, presentations, photos, and so on) process and assessment.
Creation of teaching material from the classroom with ICT tools (voki, Prezi, pixton...).
- A teacher staff with higher academic competence.
- A new model of School with international views, open to other cultures.
- Expansion of Multilingual Programme.
- Creation of an experimental group in Compulsory Secondary Education which integrates the use of ICT tools, implementation of CLIL methodology, teaching of the 40% of subjects in English and introduction of a subject with contents on social abilities to be developed within the Coexistence Programme.
The impact on the School will imply changes in the Welcome Programme for foreign students, Programme of Attention to Diversity regarding the academic excellence, adaptation of the Didactic Programmes, introduction of new parameters in the Coexistence Programme including the intercultural view, and the expansion of the Teacher Training Programme (ICT, Coexistence and Multilingualism).
The impact on the setting will be focused on:
- Publication on the media, webs, blogs and eTwinning.
- Projection on the primary schools assigned to our secondary school.
- Contribution of our European experiences to our Spanish partners of PROMECE.
- More competitive teaching staff.
- Change of perspective in the teaching-learning process.
- Opening to other cultures.
- Higher academic success.
- Possibility to increase the mobility of students.
- Increase in the prestige of our school within the educative setting.