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Start date: Aug 15, 2015, End date: Aug 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Inform Foundation manages since 1987 the SEFED Programme (Simulation for Business Educational Purposes - The Practice Firm concept) which offers training to around 5.000 students delivered by 800 teachers in vocational training institutions and training for the unemployed in Spain. All these students are being trained in professional and social skills in the business and managing of companies field. This professional and practical training aimed at finding jobs is well know and acknowledged by the Ministry of Labour from the Generalitat of Catalonia issuing a professional certificate with level 2 or by the corresponding Ministry of Education issuing a medium level of vocational training in the administration or comercial field. Inform has always considered working experiences abroad as part of and an added value to the training delivered in the SEFED Programme. Thus, Erasmus + K1 Programme allows us to support our students and teachers in training activities to achieve and use knowledge, skills and qualifications for their personal development, ocupability and participation in the European labour market. The participants of this project are: - Unemployed students or VET students (mainly young people and women over 25 years old) who are being trained in the SEFED Programme and who would like to improve not only their knowledge and skills in the business field, undertaking working experience stays in Ireland or Great Britain, but their language skills as well. Thus, the project is about to undertake 70 working stays in Irish or UK companies and undertake business and management tasks during one, two or three months as a maximum as participants cannot have longer stays because of personal reasons and the need they have to look for jobs. - Teachers and professional staff working for the SEFED Programme: the project allows us to offer a unique opportunity for teachers and professional staff working for the SEFED Programme to be able to share and improve their knwoledge and experiences in a different country and in different organizations, including the transfer of skills and/or methods and innovative ways of doing things in the training field. The transfer of know-how is meant to improve the quality and access to continuous training, to update and adapt the european educational and training systems. When improving knowledge, attitudes and individual skills from all professional staff involved in the SEFED Programme, we will improve in the development of the european labour market and social economy. The project is based on professional stays in 3 countries, 2 of them already have practice firm networks and are members of Europen-Pen International, from which Inform Foundation is a founding member. Specifically, the professional/pedagogical team will undertake training stays for 5 days in different training organizations which have practice firms in Italy and Austria in which teachers and professional staff will share experiences and best practices regarding the practice firm concept, the organization and management of practice firms as active learning tools. There will also be some stays in Ireland in which there will be a combination of know-how transfer, innovative learning ways of doing things and application of IT in training. There will also be visits to Irish companies so as to undertake job-shadowing. The participants will be teachers in language skills, foreign trade skills and counselors and training professional staff. There will also be professional staff from Inform Foundation with the aim to set up links with the Central Offices for Practice Firms from the 2 members of Europen-Pen International (Italy and Austria) The project is meant to improve the quality of the SEFED Programme, the ocupability and competitivity of students and professional staff in training participating in the project. To prove the success there has been some success indicators set up as the level of labour ocupability of students, the improvement degree of language skills, or the increase of foreign trade orders.

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