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Establishment of the Hungarian IWT Promotion Centre (ProDuna)
Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Dec 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This action shall, in line with the requirements and regulations of the European Union, target to support the related governmental organisations and bodies to improve domestic inland waterway traffic as a way of modality, to manage, with a certain project aspect, all tasks that are related to inland waterway traffic (such as management, promotion, education and training, operational issues and other professional queries), and to aid domestic market participants to become adequately competitive.The action shall consider the following mission statements:• "Enhancement of the role and the competitiveness of Hungarian inland waterway transportation" and• "Integration of Hungarian inland waterway transportation into the European transportation network".Need and added value for Danube Region Strategy:The NAIADES action programme of the EU claims the need for a network of national promotion and development centres to improve inland waterway traffic. At the moment such organization doesnt exist in Hungary. In order to fulfil this pronounced need, the aim of this project proposal is to work out the establishment of the Hungarian IWT promotion centre, which would do for the following four general fields:1. Navigability of the Danube2. River Information Services3. Management of the major national ports4. Tracking of the developments programs of the EU, utilization in the national deployments for the benefit of transport users at local level and encourage them to use inland navigation Achievements: Co-operation agreements have been signed with the following education organizations under the framework of the ProDuna project:• Bánki Donát Secondary School of Transport• Budapest Corvinus University• Hungarian Secondary School of ShippingThere were several presentations and demonstrations held at these organizations and at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics as well. The ProDuna project has supported the elaboration of four thesis at the concerned universities.• RSOE has published the Hungarian edition of the Manual on Danube Navigation in the framework of ProDuna. The Hungarian edition is called A Dunai Hajózás Kézikönyve and is based on the third edition of via donau's Manual on Danube Navigation. The general chapters have been translated; the Austria-related sections have been replaced by information pertaining to Hungary. Among the country-specific chapters we find information on ports, fleet, legal framework or national responsibilities. These sections have been developed in a cooperation effort between RSOE and national Hungarian experts. 1.000 copies have been printed and are now being distributed by RSOE to schools, the navigation and transport sector and on political level. A digital version of the publication is available online at• RSOE has applied and gained the membership in Inland Navigation Europe (INE) and PIANC. RSOE has been contributing to the works of the two organizations by means of e.g. providing input for newsletter, promoting the works of the organization in Hungary etc.• During the project lifetime the website has reached a number of 3.751 unique visitors with 5.222 visits and 10.851 pageviews. 87 % of the visits has been coming from Hungary. 123 inputs have been added to the website by means of news, important event information. The website is still under usage after the project lifetime.• A Facebook profile under has also been continuously updated with IWT-related information and has been solving as an interactive basis for discussions and sharing documents.• Within the framework of the ProDuna project the English subtitles have been elaborated for the film Danube: Linking us all, available under

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