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Establishing Tourism-Competency-Centres in European border regions (
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective of this cooperation is to strengthen the regional economy of the participating regions by taking advantage of the multiplication effect of increasing tourist numbers. This will be achieved by stimulating cross-border tourism in the participating regions. Achievements: The Tour.Com cooperation is finalised by Dec 06. The 3years duration created 1. a strong international working group consiting of three cross-border regions with the final agreement to continue this cooperation 2. strong binational working gourps within the cross-border regions with the porpuse to development and implement cross-bordering strategies. Starting with the analysis of tourism situation in each region three model concepts were developed concerning the specific preconditions of the three partner regions. As well all partners could find out in a long discussion process a common strategy for developing cross border tourism This strategy was published in a manual - widely distriubuted to other european border regions. As well the project was Tour.Com was invited as best practise to two international conferences (german-polish-french meeting of Weimar triangle, EuroForum in Weinviertel border region in Austria) The three regions developed their own brands for the cross-border tourism marketing: Stettiner Haff/ Zalew Szczecinski for the german-polish region, Rendezvous Saarblies for the german-french region and Zielona Oasa Kultura for the polish-czech region. These brands will be used for the marketing and communication in tourism by marketing organisations and service providers. Within frequently organised binational workshops the tourism service providers created thematical working groups (e.g. german-polish watertourism association), developed products (e.g. german-french bicycle and hiking tour), initiated products presentations for tourist information and service providers in their regions, informed and consulted tourism actors on the development of cross-border tourism. The main tasks was support small and medium enterprises to get into contact with others on the other side of the border. Especially in polish-czech region the project partner worked hard on the communication, information and motivation for the importance of cross-border tourism. In accordance with a new law on PPP concepts in Poland, Raciborz could developed an concept for a tourism and cultural center for their region based on public private partner ship. Beside the numberous regional meetings on the internatinal level 6 international meetings (steering group meetings, conferences, workshops and study trips) were implemented to garantee an broad exchange of experience. As well a press work was done: press releases, webpages, Radio and TV, newsletter, promotion materials, exhibition systems etc.) The resutls are three virtual tourism competency centres which will be developed and maintained further by a strong working group within the regions.
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  • 62.6%   400 164,77
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC North
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants