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Establishing Consultant's Network for Hungarian-Romanian Joint Ventures (TAMARO)
Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project contributes to the strengthening of economy, and in addition supports business co-operation in the cross-border area, involving the strengthening of the small and medium-sized enterprises on both sides of the border. The project idea is closely linked to its objectives since the elaboration and operation of the shared consultation system is an excellent tool to present contractors the contracting conditions and facilities over the border. Shared thinking and generating co-operation is a key element concerning the economic development of the Euro-region.The general objective of the project is to promote the strengthening of social and economic cohesion in the Hungarian-Romanian cross-border area The target groups of the project are the small and medium-size companies both in Bekes and Arad counties. The direct target group comprises of sixty enterprises which avail themselves of the services but, of course, as an indirect target group, many more enterprises are affected in the area. The employees, partners, suppliers of the companies consulted, form parts of the indirect target group, so this circle affects several hundreds of people and enterprises. At both partner organizations, the conditions of a continuous consultation are ensured, so the project target group, both direct and indirect, will be extended in the upcoming years. The aim of the shared consulting programme is to provide help for the Hungarian-Romanian small and medium-size enterprises in the framework of joint developments. For the enterprises in the area a shared consulting network is established which is available free for the enterprises both in Hungarian and Romanian languages. The consulting programme set itself the aim to provide consulting facility for the sixty enterprises and to generate a shared contractors' project in the area. As a result of project activities, the project established at least 10 new partnership contacts and direct consultation facilities for at least sixty enterprises.Main results: 100 consultations/60 companies, establishing ten foreign affairs contacts, 8 common events, preparing/publishing a reading study, preparing 300 practical guidance brochures, establishing a shared web side.
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  • 85%   62 947,60
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants