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Espíritu olímpico: formación hispano-lusa
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

What do the Olympics, held throughout history, with the lessons taught at an Institute of secondary education have in common? What can it serve as a point of union between both events? Without a doubt, the Olympic spirit, which in our case is accounted for by the effort and preparation to achieve personal goals.This project has been developed using a parallel with an entertaining story, the preparation of the Olympic year, which aims to get its participants (athletes of 2nd year of the formative cycle of average degree of administrative management) to achieve living education in a fun way, walking the path that takes them to get their particular Medal: incorporation immediately to the labour market... All Olympiad self-respecting must be inspired in some basic references that, for us, are education in inclusion and equity. And, how does not! It is essential to have a symbol that marks our process: the intersecting rings will serve as support to build our project, each ring represents an important pillar of the same: objectives, profile of participants, activities, impact and dissemination and evaluation. The preparation and training will be the teachings transmitted and learned in each of the two courses that make up the cycle, being essential levels the Olympic trials to overcome by the team. To conclude, we must say that our ultimate goal is that students achieve knowledge global and polyvalent, assuming a series of values that will make you to be autonomous and responsible in the future. Our Olympic village is the Institute of secondary education Agora, located in the city of Cáceres, belonging to the autonomous community of Extremadura. It is aimed at students of the training cycle of grade half of administrative management, aiming for to develop the training module in workplace abroad. specifically requested 4 mobilities, 2 for each year, since the project is requested for 24 months. Participants come from a rural environment, with an average socio-economic status - low, this being a fundamental opportunity so they can complete their studies on equal terms that students better social situation. Through the application of the project the center intends to expand the view that students have their environment from an international perspective, helping to forge his personality through the acquisition of basic competence and reaching high level of professional qualifications enabling them to an incorporation immediately to the labour market. All process involves the planning of a series of activities or specific actions that we can temporalizar them in the following etapa: 1. Stage of preparation or training: - activities of dissemination of information (brochures and posters) - development of a blog that capture the entire process of preparation -design of a wikispace where resources like files and how-to videos - will be uploaded training specific and general Linguistics with weekly classes taught by an expert -World Games (Oca giant) with questions concerning host country and language -a logo design specifico -reuniones and communications with the company reception -search accommodation, travel preparation, enlargement of insurance and issues logisticas 2. Stage of actual mobility: - the students trip - development practices -knowledge of the host country, customs and culture -the development of the practicas 3 Control. Final stage: Impact activities: analysis of the percentage of students who are working and period in which do Dissemination activities: *Conference organised by the Centre to ensure participating students their experience. *Use of the virtual space, wikispace to expose everything that has happened during the Proyecto *utilizacion of tools such as blogs, magazine and review the Centre Activities of evaluacion: 1.resultado obtained by the participants at the qualitative level and Cuantitaivo 2.autoevaluacion of the project
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