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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "School of children – School of families" project aims to respond to several basic priorities:1. reduce school absenteeism. 2 address situations of disadvantage with children and their families, and that’s why it is so important the development of the “School of parents“. 3. enhance the skills of educational professionals to overcome situations of disadvantage and absenteeism.The project foresees a networking process, as described below, and the creation of open multimedia educational resources, which can be afterwards considered as references of good practices.We rae 11 partners, which defines the heterogeneity and complementary nature of the project. We assume the complexity of 11 partners, because of the previous experience in European projects of some of its „moe experienced“ members, and the attitude, commitment and enthusiasm shown by the new partners. Given the commitment expressed by all partners in our contacts and meetings, 11 partners will be an asset of the project.It takes place in the industrial cities of Fuenlabrada and Fermo, and in 4 schools with a high percentage of students at risk of social exclusion. The project will involve more than 120 teachers from 2 countries and more than 400 students. 15 artists, more than 30 technicians from the educational authorities, volunteers and university students in practices will also collaborate. The key of the project is the joint work with children, families (500 people) and with the community in general. At least 3,200 direct and indirect beneficiaries are expected.Open educational resources will be developed to implement the project in other centres. It also includes an e-twinning/WIKI broadcasting space.The common thread to address its objectives will be the production of a short film about the memory, the present and the future of all participating children and their families (through performances of dance, music and theatre, exhibitions...), which will imply a space for exchange, based on the research on our realities at personal and cultural levels (traditions, tales, interculturality, other capabilities...). The final products will be performed by minors, with their families and teachers support), allowing their training in new technologies.Each municipality will organize 2 transnational meetings, which will be attended by all partners, to know the distinct and specific practices in each city. There will also include meetings of coordination with the presence of the project partners and representatives of the educational communities of each municipality. The projct includes several training activities, because we want all trained people at local, regional and natinal level to revert their learning to new communities.It includes an evaluation process (beginning, process, and end phases), and as a result a final evaluation report, managed by an external company.A differentiating element is that an important part of the project will take place during school hours, allowing us to work with the entire educational community as an element of standardisation.It will be a practical and participatory program. It is not only a work on theoretical contents but a process to internalize them and move on to the practice, in order to facilitate social cohesion, reduce absenteeism and improve students‘ motivation for learning. External agents (artists) are incorporated to show other perspectives of educational reality.Objectives coincide with the expected results:01 create a network of permanent collaboration to improve professional skills of teachers, through the development of a socio-educational methodology through art intervention and the development of emotional intelligence.02 train more than 120 teachers from both countries, who will know the porject, actively participate and exchange experiences.03 create/promote schools of parents. The families of the students are trained to be co-educators of their children at different levels: establish guidelines and limits, use of technologies, address cultural and generational diversity...04 demonstrate results in at least 400 students who improve their skills, their motivation for learning and social cohesion.05 develop materials that will allow the improvement of national methodologies: 1. a methodological document 2. an assessment model 3. A good practices DVD.06 reduce absenteeism, learning problems and levels of demotivation.07 create a WIKI or E-twinning space to spread results.08 train 15 artists in the field of education, as well as volunteers and interns.09 work with the community, from a perspective of gender, interculturalism, equity and citizenship.10 spread the project between the educational authorities of each municipality.11 prove participants satisfaction with the received training and exchanges received.

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10 Partners Participants